acknowledgments & notes.

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Oh my goodness. I'm in shock. Thank you guys for absolutely everything!

This book and the book before this (Butterly Effect) have literally changed my life. You've probably only been reading for a few days/weeks, but writing those two books has taken me over two years.

Over those two years, writing has grown to become one of my most treasured hobbies. It's given me an escape from my stressful life and reality in general! I'll forever be grateful for the support that I got that led me to continue writing.

Thank you endlessly and endlessly for all of you readers for sticking through this cute little sequel! It definitely isn't that filled with plot and it's super cheesy at times, but writing all of those cute fluff and happy scenes was what I really needed. Daisy, James, Harry, and Antheia have a special place in my heart and I don't think I'll ever be forgetting them.

Just to show how long I've been working on my two books and the impact they've had on me:

1. I started Butterly Effect when I was a twelve-year-old obsessed with dracotok in middle school. Now, I'm a sophomore in high school thinking about college.

2. If you go back to the first chapter of Butterfly Effect, my writing was incredibly cheesy and uncreative and just downright bad. It's still not perfect but it's improved so, so much.

3. When I first started Butterfly Effect, my overall goal was 5k reads. We hit 500k the other day. I haven't even processed that. I sincerely hope you guys loved reading my books as much as I've loved writing them because oh, I loved it so much. Seriously, rain or shine, sad or happy, I loved writing my books.

Some regrets I have about this book:

1. I tried to give Daisy more flaws than I gave Antheia, but alas, I still made her a bit of a Mary Sue. Oops!

2. I was going to make her reasons behind rejecting James a lot of obvious (such as fame, arrogance, etc), but I didn't do that too well so now it doesn't really make much sense because James slayed a bit too hard.

3. I made a lot of tiny plot points that were kind of irrelevant and just for one or two chapters so that's kind of bad writing on my part!

Overall, though, I planned this book out a lot more than Butterfly Effect (ESPECIALLY James' mastermind plan) so I don't have much serious regrets!


1. I have EVERMORE (a one-shot book for Butterfly Effect) up on my profile if you still want more Harry and Antheia! I've pretty much stopped updating, though.

2. I'm leaving Wattpad. I've been on here a bit too long for my liking! Though I've loved all of the writing skills and experiences that I've gained from this app, I realized while writing this book that I've outgrown it. Especially since I'll be a junior in a matter of months, I don't want to be on this app forever and I definitely don't want to worry about updating on Wattpad over my grades, which are my number one priority. In simple terms, I've grown too busy and I think I have to move on from this hobby.

I'll truly treasure this. I've spent so much time on my books and this app was such a large part of my life for the past few years. I'll seriously never forget it.

I hope you all enjoyed. I'm actually crying. Not joking. I wish the best for all of you readers.

That's it from me. Thank you for attending my TED Talk! I'll miss you guys so much. So, goodbye forever. It's been one hell of a freaking ride.


─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─


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Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now