20. love and luck.

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"Double Potions, my nightmare."

Daisy laughed as Gwen groaned at the next period on her timetable. Unlike her friend, Daisy had actually always enjoyed Potions and she was excited to see what N.E.W.T. level Potions had to offer. She was just thankful that it wasn't Double Herbology, which would be the real nightmare.

"Great, I've got to see Slughorn again," said James, his head on the table in the Great Hall. "He's so irritating. He never shuts about Mum and Dad."

"Wonder if we'll make any useful Potions," wondered Daisy out loud. "I'd love for some Liquid Luck."

Just then, the bell rang and Daisy, James, Gwen, Marlee, Thomas, and Benjamin all headed to Potions, as this was one of the only classes that all six of them had entered N.E.W.T. level in.

There were considerably fewer people than there had been last year waiting outside of the familiar classroom. The six of them stood behind the other students in line as they all waited to enter the classroom.

"I dunno how I even passed the Potions O.W.L.," said Benjamin, sighing. Daisy turned and looked at him; he looked dreadful. She chuckled and gave him a hard pat on the shoulder.

"C'mon, Benny Boy, you can do this," said Daisy encouragingly. He shot her a smug look.

"Only if I copy your notes?" he suggested. She rolled her eyes jokingly and the door to the classroom opened. She looked up at once and saw Slughorn, looking the exact same as he did on the train, waving them into the classroom.

As soon as she entered, she noticed the overwhelming scent of broomstick polish. It was calming. She smiled. She looked around and noticed that her fellow classmates all had calm and dreamy looks on their faces.

Daisy settled down behind a cauldron next to Marlee and Gwen as Thomas, Benjamin, and James sat down in front of them. Slughorn moved towards the front of the classroom and opened up a large cauldron and the smell of broomstick polish grew stronger. Daisy sighed happily.

"Damn, it smells like flowers," said James. Daisy looked up, confused. "What plant is Slughorn growing?"

"You're going mad 'cause it doesn't smell like flowers at all," said Benjamin. "Smells like parchment and grass."

"Alright, class, good afternoon!" said Slughorn loudly, grabbing the attention of everyone in the class. "Welcome to N.E.W.T. level Potions!"

Silence followed. Slughorn chuckled.

"A bit nervous, are we?" asked Slughorn in a friendly voice. "In that case, let's just get started. Can you all take a deep breath in?"

Daisy did as told. The broomstick polish was so overwhelming at this point that it brought her back to her memories on the Quidditch pitch.

"Now think, what do you smell?" asked Slughorn. "Does anyone want to share?" He looked around the room before his eyes landed on Daisy's and lit up. "How about you, Miss Wood? Would you come over here?"

Marlee nudged her, letting out a short giggle. Daisy sighed quietly and stood up. She made her way over to Slughorn and the cauldron in front of him.

"Miss Wood, do you, by any chance, know what this Potion is?"

She knew at once. The mother-of-pearl sheen color, the steam rising in its distinctive spirals, and the fact that she, James, and Benjamin had all smelled different things made it quite clear: the Potion was Amortentia.

"It's Amortentia," she answered. "It's the most powerful love potion in the world. It smells different to each person and is the scent of the thing that one loves the most."

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now