synopsis & author's note.

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Daisy entered Platform 9¾ scared, shy, and unaware of what to expect.

At this point in time, she was boarding the Hogwarts Express and her nervousness was at an all-time high. The only student she knew that was in the same year as her was her brother and James, and she was hoping to make more friends than that.

Luckily, she was able to find a very happy compartment, with people whom she would soon call her best friends in the world.

Firstly, her brother. Of course, he wasn't new to her. But he had always been the one she relied on before Hogwarts. He was also quite timid, kind, and a bit of a nerd. He was the only one Daisy had ever raised her voice for and she would do anything for him, and he would for her, though he never admitted it.

Secondly, Marlee Jordan. Marlee and Daisy had many similar interests, which had drawn them toward each other in the first place. They both loved Quidditch, the Weird Sisters, and Gryffindor parties. She was especially good at sticking up for Daisy when she needed it most. Being the first friend Daisy had made without the help of her brother or parents, she treasured Marlee deeply. Daisy felt as though Marlee was her soul sister.

Thirdly, Gwen Weasley-Lovegood. Gwen was the light that Daisy loved being around. She was cheerful, funny, and great at giving advice. Daisy and Gwen didn't share many interests, but their sense of humour was the same. They had grown to rely on each other and Daisy never doubted something Gwen told her.

Fourthly, Benjamin Thomas-Finnigan. Daisy and Benjamin did not become friends by choice, but she thanked luck for bringing them together. Benjamin had helped Daisy open up to her other classmates and he never made her feel nervous or uncomfortable, even when they first met. She felt she could be herself around him, and she sure loved to tease him as much as he did for her.

Finally, James Potter. Daisy had disliked James since she had met him. They were complete opposites. Still, he was persistent and never seemed to give up on her. Even though she said she didn't like him, Daisy did enjoy having him around. He had never failed to make her feel wanted, despite his deeply arrogant nature. Daisy never doubted that he would be there, but she knew it wasn't anything he couldn't get over in a few years - right?

*・゚:*・゚: *.*:・゚ .: *・゚: .

author's note

Hi everyone, again! This is my second Harry Potter universe fanfiction and it's the sequel to my book "Butterfly Effect", which is about Harry Potter. This one is going to be a James Sirius Potter X OC. This book begins in fifth year and will go on to seventh year.

About Daisy:

- Daughter of Oliver Wood and Penelope Clearwater

- She is a Gryffindor! This is mainly because she's very loyal and tries to be brave. Sometimes, she acts like a Hufflepuff but her being a Gryffindor is more convenient to the story.

About the story:

- It will be told from a third-person POV.

- This fanfiction is from years 5-7.

- There won't be too much swearing as I'm not entirely comfortable with that

- Mostly canon characters included, and many familiar last names!

- No smut/lemon only fluff! Again, I'm not comfortable with writing smut.

Feel free to promote your fanfictions in this line's comment section! I'll try and go vote on them!

If you spot any grammar or spelling mistakes, point them out! It's helpful.

Enjoy the story and please vote and comment to support the story!

*・゚:*・゚: *.*:・゚ .: *・゚: .


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