56. completely and madly.

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Daisy was in her element.

This meant that she was spending morning, afternoon, and night studying for her final exams. Yes, the N.E.W.Ts were in June and it was currently February, but if Daisy Wood was one thing, she was prepared for her academics.

She was not in her full-cram mode yet ... that wouldn't happen till at least April. For now, she just spent the majority of her time studying rather than every waking moment.

Still, the free time that she did have was often used to send letters to her parents, eat meals, and catch up on some sleep. This meant that she and James hadn't had much time together for the past few days, which was seriously taking a toll on her. She missed staying up to talk to her boyfriend in the common room and sneaking down to the kitchen after curfew to grab some cookies.

Now, Daisy was clutching three textbooks in her arms as she trudged over to Charms class. Walking to class without James cracking jokes and planting quick kisses on her cheek just wasn't the same; she had insisted he went to class without her so she could finish up the last little bit of her homework, but she was now regretting that decision.

Once she finally reached the classroom, she plopped down onto the chair beside Marlee, who grimaced.

"You're almost late," Marlee noted. "Daisy, why are you studying this hard this early? It's not even the O.W.Ls!"

"Yes, but these are the N.E.W.Ts!" said Daisy. "They're proof that your knowledge has expanded since the O.W.Ls and you are ready for the real world!"

"Yeah, whatever," shrugged Marlee, sighing. "Are you gonna keep studying while Flitwick talks?"

"Maybe just some simple revising," said Daisy. When Marlee shot her a look, the blonde girl chuckled. "I can multitask!"

"If this is how bad you are in February, I can only imagine June ..."


Daisy turned around at the familiar call of her name to see James looking at her.

"Hey, James," she smiled. "How are you—"

"No, how are you?" he interrupted. "I can't believe you made me leave you and walk to class myself. After Charms, wanna go to the common room and relax with me? We can just stare at the fireplace together."

"I really wish I could!" said Daisy. James frowned. "I've got to make a quick run to the library before Defense Against the Dark Arts so I can look up some Potions antidotes."

"Ah, I see."

"Don't be upset, please," she told him. They hadn't ever had a real couple fight and she wasn't willing to start now, but she just had to study. The N.E.W.Ts were the last tests she would ever take and she had to ace them.

"I'm not upset at you," James assured her, but Daisy thought he still looked a bit disappointed. "Just—just come to lunch, alright? Please."

"I'll try my best."

And with that, she turned back around as Professor Flitwick tapped his wand against his table to get the class' attention. He jabbered on about wand movements as Daisy studied some Transfiguration jinxes out of the corner of her eye.

When class ended, Daisy was the first to finish packing her bag. With a quick wave to Marlee and a short peck on the lips for James, she ran out of the classroom and to the library.

She ran through the bookshelves and was about to reach the shelf with her desired book when a boy stepped in front of her and she ran straight into his back before she could slow down.

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now