3. gryffindors throw great parties.

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"There you are!"

As Daisy settled into her seat, brushing off most of the rose petals, her friends all turned to stare at her with confused looks.

"We were starting to think the giant squid had swallowed you," said Gwen.

"It tried," said Daisy. "Why are there rose petals here?"

James grinned.

"What happened to you?" asked Thomas. "You look ..."

"... Insane, I know," sighed Daisy. "I was bringing the first-years over but the squids were happy for once. They decided to splash me and by the time I got here I was drenched. Luckily, Professor McGonagall used a drying spell on me but I'm never going near the Great Lake again."

Just then, the doors of the Great Hall opened and in walked Professor McGonagall with a hundred or so first-years behind her, looking terrified. McGonagall had her head held high; she had done this dozens of times before.

"Minnie!" yelled James. Professor McGonagall instinctively looked over at him, and so did the first-years. "Thanks for helping my lady here! Appreciate it!"

He and Benjamin burst into a fit of laughter. Daisy hung her head. McGonagall sighed, gestured for the first-years' attention, and walked on.

"That was so embarrassing," muttered Daisy. Just then, a silvery waft of air floated over to them: it was Nearly Headless Nick.

"I've seen much more embarrassing moments throughout my time," he said proudly. "Some have happened to me."

"Really?" asked James, sounding interested. "Such as what?"

"Well," started Nick, looking delighted to have an audience, "I once showed a bushy-haired first-year why I was named 'Nearly Headless Nick'. You all remember, don't you? Or do I have to demonstrate again?"

"That's quite alright," said Daisy quickly. She did not want her appetite ruined.

"Alright, suit yourselves," he said. "Anyway, she immediately recoiled and pulled a frown at me. Quite rude, indeed. Luckily, young Harry Potter was there to frown at the girl. He is quite a great man, isn't he?"

"If you say so," shrugged James, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh, I do miss him," sighed Nick. "You know, he and his friends were the only Hogwarts students kind enough to attend my Deathday party, back in '92."

"Wow, I almost forgot how old you are," said Benjamin. Nearly Headless Nick's eyes widened.

"How rude of you!" he said, looking very offended. "Perhaps that might explain how much wiser I am than you."

"At least I don't have wrinkles across my face," snickered Benjamin. Nearly Headless Nick shot him a harsh look before roaming over to a corner of the Hall.

"Great, you've offended him," sighed Daisy. "You know how long he ignored us for when you lot made fun of him for not getting into the Headless Hunt. He's going to absolutely hate us now!"

"He can't," said James nonchalantly. "He's practically in love with Dad. Would probably marry him if he were alive ... and if Dad wasn't married. Asks questions about him to Remus, Lily, and me all the time. Bit annoying, really."

"I hope he'd just get a ghost hobby or a ghost girlfriend to occupy his time," sighed Gwen. "But what can a ghost do for fun?"

"We could set him up with the Grey Lady," suggested Benjamin. James stopped him.

"No, Dad told me about what happened to her," said James. "Apparently, the Bloody Baron and she have this really complicated relationship. Better not mess with it."

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now