49. daydreams and doodles.

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Back at school, only two things ever occupied Daisy's mind: her upcoming N.E.W.Ts in five months ... and James Potter. The latter more than the former.

It was becoming quite a problem. He was everywhere. She went to the common room to study, he was there. When she zoned out in the library, he was in her daydreams. When she tried to sleep, his name kept repeating in her mind. She was a girl obsessed.

Daisy had spent the last few classes staring at James, and she wasn't very good at hiding it.

"Miss Wood, although I'm glad you've finally snapped out of denial, I would really appreciate it if you would pay attention to my lesson rather than Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall had said. She wasn't the only one. When Flitwick had asked her to answer a question, she realized that she hadn't been listening.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I didn't hear," she had muttered. Flitwick had sighed.

"It would do you some good to stop staring at Mr. Potter just once a day, at least," he had whispered to her. Daisy had blushed.

James, luckily, seemed to be completely oblivious.

Marlee and Gwen had been urging her nonstop to make a move. Daisy, being who she was, was overthinking every single interaction she and James had. After brushing fingers or laughing together, Daisy would explain every last detail to her friends.

She wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to do something about her feelings. James had clearly told her that he didn't fancy her anymore and she didn't want her picture in the newspapers or to be labeled as "James Potter's girlfriend." No boy was worth giving up her privacy, even if he had perfect hair and a charming smile.

So, she was trying to force herself to focus more on her N.E.W.Ts instead. She spent at least an hour in the library every single day, where she would review her notes and read through some textbooks.

Now, Daisy was sitting in the back corner of the library, revising her Potions notes while thinking about the beautiful smile on James' face every time he cracked a joke. She hummed to herself quietly. Something about obsessing over a boy but not doing anything about it was just so fun.

She had had another dream about James the previous night, where he had presented her with a bouquet of daisies and said that he had never stopped fancying her, even when she had stupidly told him to. Then, he had lifted her up and they had run into forevermore together.

She dipped her quill in ink before doodling a little heart with an arrow piercing it on the bottom right corner of her notes. Daisy then wrote the initials "D.W. + J.P." down in the center of the heart and smiled to herself. She sighed contently. Of course, she was terrified of how quickly her feelings had gotten so intense, but she was also completely at peace.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the previously silent library. Daisy scratched out the doodle and whipped around, just in time to see James walking toward her, his hands behind his back. She grinned widely and pulled a chair for him.

"Hi, James!" she exclaimed. James chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"Hey, Daisy," he replied, sitting down beside her. "I can't believe you missed lunch again. You can't keep doing this! I'm getting seriously worried—even more than I was during O.W.Ls season."

"Oh, I don't miss that," she said. She was grateful that she could still be as comfortable around James as she was before her realization. "You're welcome to do some studying with me."

"I do all my studying at night," he said, "but I'll stay here with you. I don't want you to get lonely."

Butterflies exploded in her stomach. She noticed that that happened when James said pretty much anything nowadays.

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now