22. pre-match planning.

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Daisy knew that being friends with Thomas, Benjamin, and James would mean that she would get roped into the many spectacles that they managed to pull off. Many of them were their spectacularly excessive parties. Granted, Daisy did love these parties and always wondered how the boys got access to so many different decorations and food for the party.

"Well, we just get them," shrugged Benjamin, when Daisy had asked him back in their fifth year. This time, though, they seemed to need her help, as well as the help of Marlee and Gwen.

"Look, we didn't have time to plan everything out since somebody has been dragging Thomas and James to Quidditch practice every day for the past week," said Benjamin, staring straight at Daisy.

"You'll thank me when we win," said Daisy, shrugging.

"Of course, we'll win," said James pridefully. "Gryffindor is the best at Quidditch. And we have the best players."

"Can you guys just get to why you asked us to come here?" asked Marlee. They were in the Gryffindor sixth-year boys' dormitory. This was the dormitory of only James, Thomas, and Benjamin. It was littered with random pieces of clothing on the floor and messy pieces of paper as well as many photos of the three of them.

"We needed privacy," said Thomas. "See, our plan is ... how should I say this ... not exactly abiding by the rules."

"Okay?" said Gwen. "And when is anything that you three do 'abiding by the rules'?"

"True," admitted James. "Well, we usually get Firewhiskey from the kitchens since the house elves love me and go to Hogsmeade for some candy. But, we don't have time to sort everything out on our own. So ... please help us?"

"Our next Hogsmeade trip is next month," said Daisy. The three boys chuckled.

"Oh, sweet naive Daisy," said Benjamin, shaking his head and smiling, "There's a secret cellar that leads there. And we can find it using James' secret map that tells us where everything and everyone is."

"Yeah, you guys told us about that map back in our second year when we caught you guys looking at it to find a secret route out of detention," reminded Daisy.

"A secret cellar, really?" asked Gwen, sounding very interested.

"Don't you guys have a stash of candy somewhere?" asked Daisy.

"That's just for emergencies," said Thomas, dismissing her comment. Daisy raised her eyebrows. "Anyway, we have a plan already. Daisy, you and Benjamin will sneak down to the cellar and get the candy since he has the entire list of food that we need memorized, and Daisy'a a Prefect."

"I thought you hated memorizing things?" asked Daisy.

"That's just for schoolwork," said Benjamin. "Some things just take priority over others."

Daisy shot him an incredulous look before asking, "Wait, who's paying for all the candy? I've seen what you guys bring for each party and it should be well over five Galleons!"

"I'll give you guys five Galleons and you can come back if you need more," said James. Daisy didn't know why she had expected anything less.

"Alright," said Daisy. "Then what are the four of you going to be doing?"

"Well, we've got to retrieve and prepare the Firewhiskey, don't we?" answered James. "We also need to get all the decorations and cups. We stash them in the kitchens. So, Thomas, Gwen, Marlee, and I will be in the kitchens."

"After we're done, Daisy, we're also going to the kitchens," said Benjamin. "And you guys can meet all the house elves!"

"Yeah, they're wonderful," said James. Thomas chuckled.

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now