34. the lion redemption.

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Daisy was awake at six o'clock in the morning on a Saturday, which meant that it was game day. Not just any game day, but Quidditch final day, against the Hufflepuffs, who had given Daisy her first loss since her fourth year.

She quickly changed into her Quidditch uniform, pulled her hair up with her red and gold scrunchie, and tucked her crescent moon necklace underneath all of her clothes to keep it safe.

Just like every other match, she needed the three hours between waking up to the start of the game in order to review her plays, get warmed up, and grab a quick breakfast with her team. She scribbled down a quick note for Gwen telling her where she had gone and walked down the stairs of the dormitory to the common room.

─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─

Daisy loved the feeling of the cold morning wind blowing through her tied-up hair as she chased after enchanted golf balls. Now, however, she desperately had to review her plays, meaning she was staring at the blackboard with a piece of white chalk in her hand. She scrunched up her eyebrows.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching. She placed the white chalk down and turned around to see Lily Potter walking into the changing room. Daisy grinned.

"Hey, Lils!" she greeted. "You ready for your first-ever Quidditch final?"

"Yeah, I'm thrilled!" the second-year girl exclaimed. She waved Daisy over. "But I came here 'cause I'm on strict orders from McGonagall to make you eat breakfast with everybody else."

"I was gonna head over to the Great Hall in a bit—"

"Daisy, Minnie's going to have my head if I don't come back in like three minutes with you next to me," said Lily. Daisy laughed at her intensity and complied.

"So ... I heard you got a boyfriend," said Lily in a teasing tone. Daisy chuckled, and that was all the confirmation that Lily needed. "I knew it! I can't believe it! When did this happen?"

"A few weeks ago," explained Daisy. "It's this Slytherin boy. Quite nice, but James hates him."

"Naturally," nodded Lily. "It makes sense that you got a boyfriend. You're so pretty and kind and smart."

Daisy blushed at the young girl's compliments. To her, Lily was like her little sister, and she was one of the sweetest and liveliest girls Daisy had ever met.

"That's literally you, Lils," replied Daisy, as the two girls made their way into the Great Hall. She waved Lily goodbye, giving her a tight hug as she did so, and sat down beside Gwen at the Gryffindor table. Gwen, Marlee, Benjamin, Thomas, and James looked surprised to see her.

"Wow, I thought you were just not going to eat breakfast again," said Thomas. "James here was about to bring you your breakfast muffin!"

James nodded, holding up the blueberry muffin on his plate. She smiled, her heart warming at the endearing gesture.

"Lils told me that McGonagall forced her to bring me here," Daisy explained. "Eat quick, though, because we're reviewing plays in ten minutes."

"Aye, aye, Captain," said Gwen, saluting to her. Daisy grinned at her. Just then, someone slid into the seat next to her and put their arm around her shoulder. Turning to her right, she saw Miles smiling at her. He was wearing a red t-shirt and red sweatpants, which made Daisy smile.

"Nice outfit!" complimented Daisy.

"Thanks!" he replied. "I'll be cheering for Gryffindor if you couldn't tell already. Be sure not to wipe out like last time against Hufflepuff!"

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now