18. hagrid's hut.

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Nothing could top the Great Hall, and that was a fact.

Daisy had missed the abundance of perfectly cooked food, the beautifully gleaming floating candles, and the people around her. Hogwarts never stopped shimmering, making it hard for Daisy to focus on the Sorting. She was starving and it wasn't helping that a perfectly-cooked steak was just staring at her.

Luckily, after just a few more minutes, the Sorting finished, with around a dozen new students entering Gryffindor. Finally, Daisy felt thankful that she could begin noshing down on her food. As she took a sip of her pumpkin juice, McGonagall came over to her.

"Wood, congratulations on getting Gryffindor Captain," said McGonagall, giving her a rare smile. "You won't be letting me down, will you?"

"Of course, not!" said Daisy without hesitation. "I'll only think about Quidditch for the entire year. Oh, and my tests."

"Just like your father, aren't you ..." sighed McGonagall. She turned to the rest of the group. "I'll be handing out your schedules tomorrow so don't skip breakfast. You'll find I kept your interests in mind."

She shot a look at James before continuing on to another group of Gryffindors.

"What does she mean by that?" asked Gwen, looking at James. James shrugged. "Anyway, wow, Daisy, you're Captain! You must be so happy."

"I am so happy," said Daisy, beaming. "But cutting people out of the team might be hard."

"As long as you don't cut me out," joked Marlee. Daisy laughed. "So, James, did you plan some sort of crazy party again?"

"Not too crazy," he said. "Just some drinks, a playlist, and some lights."

"Knowing him, it's bound to leave a mess," said Gwen, shaking her head and chuckling. James scoffed.

"You guys should stay for it," said James. "It's Friday night!"

"You're just saying that because you never ever get sick the next day," said Marlee, sighing.

Daisy knew that this was very true. Even though James drank half a dozen drinks a night at some of his parties, he would always be perfectly fine the next morning. She had never seen him with a headache or any nauseous feelings the day after a party. Whilst everyone else sat around groaning, he was happily planning his next party.

"Just come, alright?" said James. "Ben and Thomas have to help me with everything. Gwen, you have good music taste. Marlee, you always get very drunk and it's pretty hilarious. Daisy, I know you've got Prefect duties that you love so you can just go to bed."

Daisy nearly choked on her steak. She had never once been allowed to skip a party that James threw. He had always either tricked her into going or begged her repeatedly.

"What?" she asked incredulously. He looked at her blankly.

"You don't have to come," said James. Daisy had to admit, that comment stung. James seemed to have noticed the look on her face. "But, I mean, I want you to come. It's just that you don't have to come. You know? I don't want to force you, Daisy, you what I mean —"

"Alright, that's enough," said Benjamin, nudging James in the ribs.

"Damn, James, not even a 'my lady'?" asked Marlee. She seemed to be finding this entire awkward interaction very amusing. Daisy glared at her. A few minutes of awkward silence later, three younger girls came over to James, right on time. This time, Daisy was actually quite pleased to see them.

"James, are you having a party tonight?" one of them asked. She seemed to be a fifth-year and had shining blonde hair. Daisy could see that she was very pretty. James looked up at her.

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now