57. a hogsmeade outing.

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"Can you guys believe it?"

Daisy was squealing in the mirror to her two best friends, both of whom chuckled lightly.

"Yes, of course, I can believe that you're going on a date with Potter," said Marlee. "What I can't believe is that this is the first one! Haven't you two had, like, twenty picnics my the Black Lake by now?"

"Twelve, actually," clarified Daisy, making Marlee roll her eyes. "But this is different! This is the first official date that's out of school grounds! It's going to be amazing, especially because you guys are so good at helping me get ready."

"Well, the red does make your hair colour pop," noted Gwen. Daisy nodded while looking into her reflection: her friends had picked out for her a dark red blouse, a little black skirt, and a pair of little black boots. "You look gorgeous!"

"Thanks, guys," gushed Daisy. "I feel gorgeous. I just know James is gonna like it. Oh gosh, I love him so much ..."

"Yeah, you've said that maybe thirty times in the past hour," laughed Gwen. Daisy grinned. "I really wish I could go back in time to our fifth year and tell little Daisy this."

"She would literally faint," chuckled Marlee. Daisy had to agree. She had spent so much of her life feeling disgusted at the idea of going out with James. Now that it was actually happening, she wasn't sure how she could've ever not loved him.

Daisy glanced up at the clock as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

"It's eleven thirty!" she exclaimed. "That means it's officially date time!"

"You two are going to Hogsmeade, right?" asked Gwen. Daisy nodded eagerly. "Where are you going to have lunch?"

"Well, there are just so many good options, aren't there?" said Daisy, her smile stretching from ear to ear. "Of course, we could go with my personal favourite, which is the classic Three Broomsticks, but I've always wanted to see what the hype around Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop was about!"

"Oh, that place is way worse than the Three Broomsticks," said Gwen. "I went with Leo once, and there were couples snogging left and right. Not a great sight."

"Maybe I'll just stop by to see," said Daisy.

She checked her hair once more, waved goodbye to her friends, and trotted down the stairs to the common room. Once she reached it, she saw James' back turned to her, talking to Benjamin.

"All I'm saying is that there can be no chicken without an egg!" James said fiercely. Daisy broke out into a grin. Neither of the boys had noticed her yet. "How can a chicken come into existence without hatching?"

"Well, where did the egg come from in the first place?" challenged Benjamin. "The chicken had to have created it!"

"I don't know!" shouted James. "But it's easier for an egg to appear out of nowhere than a chicken! I'm just going to ask Daisy. I bet she knows the answer."

Just then, Daisy's eyes locked with Benjamin, who smiled at her before looking back at James.

"And if she says the chicken came first?" asked Benjamin. James ran his hands through his hair.

"Well, then the chicken came first," he shrugged. "She's always right. Merlin, she's so smart. And pretty. She's so pretty. I love her so much. Do you think she's excited for our date? Because I sure am—"

"She is," said Daisy. James turned on his heel and looked her up and down. A giant smile spread across his face and he ran over to her. Once he reached her, he bent over and kissed the back of her hand.

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now