Drunk in Gotham

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Bruce is waiting outside of his car in a fitted suit, dark glasses over his eyes. You aren't sure if he's trying to be incognito since his old fancy car stands out. There's foot traffic on the sidewalk of your apartment and some people stop to snap pictures of you and him as his warm smile, his real one, spreads across his face. He is immediately by your side, helping you down the steps. His eyes do not waiver from your face as if you are the only person in the world. As he opens your door he whispers, "You look absolutely gorgeous." Goosebumps travel all over your body as you take your seat in the tiny car. You wonder how he fits as he gets in, but notice more people snapping pictures. You snap the sun visor down, wanting privacy.

"You get used to it after a while." He says as he starts his car. "You say it like this will be reoccurring." You quip, a small smile on your lips. "I'm only but Cinderella for one night." His eyebrow raises, but he says nothing. You wonder if you make him change his mind about you until they reach a stoplight.

"I hope it's not weird, but I've done my research about you." You blink, turning to face him. "I have to be careful before I just invite any girl-any person-to be my guest." Your eyes lower. "Make sure I'm not a threat?" He nods. "Last year was very hard." You nod. "Your family is very clean, by the books." "We stay out of the way. You gotta keep your head down to stay alive..." His eyebrows quirk up. "That's very grim." "Is it? Before last year, you were a reclusive billionaire. Keep your head out of trouble and trouble won't find you." He smirks, resting his hand on your thigh as you continue to your destination.

"Do you hit on all your employees?"

"Only the ones I find interesting." Bruce admits quickly adding, "Just you." You laugh, rolling your eyes. "I'm truly flattered." His grip tightens, hitching up your skirt. Heat rushes through your body and you let out a breath. "What's something that you learned about me?" You ask changing the subject to something other than the growing heat between your thighs. You should have heeded Ricci's hint and skipped the underclothes.

"Your mother worked at Arkham. You mentioned your father, and so did Alfred, but you never mentioned your mother." You hesitate. Your mother never talks about that and it was before you were born. "Whatever happened when she was there, she doesn't talk about." You say after a moment. "I don't have any stories..." He nods, running a hand through his hair. "What's something interesting about you?" You ask, staring at his face. His hair is parted to stay out of his face while he drives, though the window down and the small breeze ruffles it a bit.

"I'm quite reclusive still. I'm breaking out of that though as you know, but I've learned much being on my own. I've trained myself in martial arts." You giggle. "I can tell. You're a dangerous man under that quiet demeanor. I'd hate to be on your bad side." He laughs, shaking his head. "I'm not that good. I've only used it for self-defense. I don't hurt people on purpose... I also have much to learn." You raise your eyebrow wondering if that was the truth, but you arrive at the venue before you can ask.

The valet opens your door and helps you out as Bruce gets out on the other side. There's press there already snapping pictures. You nervously smile at your date, unsure of what to do with yourself. He comes around, offering his arm. There's a reporter on the sideline with a microphone pointed at Bruce, very eager. "Clark Kent from Metropolis with the Daily Planet. Can you comment on the hope that Wayne Foundations will restore the renewal programs under a tighter process?" Bruce smirks at the man, "Metropolis? A long way from home." He retorts before moving on, leading you in.

You eventually have to stop for the red carpet. A nervous shiver goes down your spine and you feel hot as you stand on the plush carpet. It swishes under your heels with each little step. You grip Bruce's arm for support, but also because you're shaking. There are so many flashes and chatter as you stand and smile. They want single ones, but Bruce denies it, continuing in. He's controlling his narrative and you're honestly impressed. You notice that not in one picture does he smile like he did when he saw you at your apartment. It's all for their entertainment.

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