True Killer

573 31 11

AN: threats and attempted kidnapping tw

You return to your table, noticing more people. It seems like competition on who can sit with Bruce Wayne. Martinez and Selina sit on one side of the rounded table, and so do Kate and her date. There's an opening for one more couple or two separate people, and you notice people coming up and talking to the cops, but their eyes are on Bruce as you sit. Bruce checks the seat, making sure it's the right table, his jaw tightening. He could be a little less obvious, you think as you sit beside him, in between him and Selina. If anything, you can both be oblivious. That's what you choose.

"I think we're at the popular kids' table," Kate jokes to Bruce as he rolls his eyes. "Oh, you know each other?" Her date asks, raising her eyebrow. "Yeah, he's my cousin." She chuckles at the question. "Oh," She sits back in her seat as their drinks arrive. "I'm Renee, by the way." She introduces herself to you and Bruce. "Nice to meet you," you reply with a polite smile.

You want to ask Selina a million questions as she looks over the menu. "Do you see anything you like?" You ask her, taking a look at the menu yourself. "Not really. I'm not a big steak person." Martinez makes an exgerrated gasp. "You don't like steak? Oh wow, my dad has to do better with his choices for me. Where did he find you again?" She hides an embarrassed smile as she continues to look. You can't see the chemistry between them, and you wonder if Bruce can't see it either. He busies himself with the menu and glances up to see if anything is happening. So far, nothing to your disappointment. The contacts don't bother you that much, and you wonder if anyone can see them. If they can, they don't say anything.

You decide on a petite filet mignon with baked creamed spinach and roasted garlic mashed potatoes as it is the cheapest thing and everything else gives you sticker shock. The appetizers come out soon after everyone is seated. You don't know what they are since the staff doesn't say anything while setting the tables. You recognize the steak tartare and oysters from the days of Jacques. They have a set menu for almost everyone except for the entrees. With the food on the tables, everyone starts to sit down. You don't know who will be the lucky last person to sit at your table as Bruce grabs a little bit of everything for both of your plates.

Your eyes widen to see it be Mayor Reál sitting at your table. She looks a little rattled as a handsome man with a close cut and fade helps her sit. "I'm so so sorry we're late." "Is everything okay?" Bruce asks, eyes locked on her face. "It's Gotham," she laughs nervously. "This is my fiancé, Mario." He gives a small wave. "Nice to meet you all." His eyes widen when he notices Bruce.

"Oh my god! Bruce Wayne!" Bruce's cheeks twinge pink as he waves away the excitement. "I don't know what I've done that warrants the excitement, but I appreciate it." Mario shakes his head, "You're a genius. I'm surprised you don't do more with technology. Your finds from eight years ago are still being used today!" Bruce scoffs, deciding to eat. Mario continues to gush, to Bruce's dismay. You rest your hand on his thigh as you take a bite of lobster bites. He calms, adjusting to your touch.

"What do you do with your time instead of all these great things Mario mentioned?" Selina asks before taking a sip of her white wine. "I've been getting into philanthropy more, but with a sterner hand than what my father was able to do." Kate nods, "He's a real hard-ass, trust me." Bruce glares at his cousin. "We appreciate all the help. We really do." Reál says with a grateful smile. "I've been seeing changes in the downtown youth with the programs you're helping fund." Selina raises her eyebrow but nods. "Good to see that you're doing something." His jaw tightens. "All I can do since I have a surplus. I don't need all the money, so it's best to give and make a change." Kate rolls her eyes with a smile as she continues to eat.

"It is sort of silly though," Renee says after a moment. "What is?" Martinez asks, though his tone alerts you that he knows what she will say. "This 'Delmonico' steak is one hundred bucks. I gotta work almost three to four hours before I get that. I know it's all-inclusive or whatever whatever, but this feels a bit extreme with like everything that happened last year." Selina nods, "Did the Waynes fund this too?" Bruce cuts his eyes at her.

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