Femme Fatale

453 17 11

You expect your car ride to be quiet, but Lucy and your mother chat it up in the back seat while you sit in the front, gazing out the window. You hope Sabrina can stay quiet and so far she has. She barely speaks at all. You arrive at the department store right when they open. For a second you catch yourself fretting over what to say in case someone recognizes you as you fumble in your bag for sunglasses.

Grace puts her arm over your shoulders. "I don't think you're that big of a celebrity, little sister. You can relax. If someone recognizes you, which I doubt, just say hi and move on." She makes it sound easy but you follow her lead.

Lucy and your mother don't want anyone splitting which annoys you a little, but the dress department is altogether. It takes up the whole left side of the main floor. Lucy has a list of importance on who she will help first. Your mother luckily is number one. You're last.

You wander away, listening to Grace and Yasmine talk about Eric and Grace's boyfriend. You're surprised Bruce isn't mentioned but figured you would have to add input about him.

Subconsciously, you end up in wedding dresses. The white fabrics are stark and you stick out like a sore thumb in your darker dress. You duck down, trying to blend, not give it away as you look at one princessy dress. The lace is soft under your fingers which you like. You don't want a scratchy dress. You figure your dress will be custom, but it's good to get some ideas. You hear voices get closer as you edge towards the regular dresses. You'll be able to go back there soon.

Your mother chooses a silky off-the-shoulder column dress in a creamy beige. She looks stately and happy for once. With all her excitement, she even looks younger. "I hope (F/N) likes it." She squeals with Lucy. "Why you're the belle of the ball," Lucy replies, her hand over her heart. You're glad Lucy came to smooth things over.

Grace is next. You decide to stick with her instead of being whisked away by your mother. "I don't know why I feel like I should overthink this. It's just dinner." She mutters as she looks at a dark gray dress with bold red and blue flowers and green stems and leaves.

"Wear what you think is comfortable. Bruce just wants to get to know you all tonight," You reply, looking at a pink dress with red flowers.

Grace makes a face at both of the dresses and shakes her head. "I want a dress I can wear more than once. My expensive little cocktail dress." She says as she goes around the rack. "Speaking of Bruce, I have no ill feelings towards him." Your eyes widen as you glance over at her. "Our mom wants all of us to, but I don't know." Grace shrugs as she pulls out a twist-front metallic gown the same color as your mother's dress. You hope she doesn't go with it, knowing you'd have the pressure to match. "I googled him and stuff. He doesn't do this. The last 'public' outing he had without the Foundation before he started seeing you was at the Mayor's funeral last year. And before that? Nothing. Just a quiet man with a lot of money." She blows out a breath as she moves on to another dress, a different color.

"I know you're probably overwhelmed as fuck though," Grace continues. "Thrust into a world you didn't know existed. Shopping with a heavy heavy black card." She pulls out a simple mauve dress with indigo tulle on top speckled with baby pink flowers. More her style. It's vintage almost, but low-key. "Just reach out more okay? The news can be scary and Eric only tells me about Batman for some reason whenever I talk about you." You both laugh as she waves Lucy over to show her choices. You don't linger, knowing she would need to try them on and scurry to find Yasmin.

She's a little ways away, looking at the few maternity dresses. She's frowning hard as she flips through the rack. "I suppose simple should be fine, but you know I don't like that." She says hearing your footsteps over the pop music. "They're still cute dresses." You reply encouragingly as you pull out a satin baby blue dress. It might be snug, but it's still pretty.

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