Kiss of Life

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The drugs they give you are very strong. You try not to look at the dosage as you feel it take over, the poison's pain very faint. You smile at the nice nurse and resident as they go over the aftercare with mostly Bruce, your blank smile giving them all the information they need to know.

Everything is feeling fine until you look at your soiled clothes. You cannot wear them out. "Bruce... I don't have any other clothes." You say, worry coating your voice. He looks at them and grimaces. The dark blood is almost black now on your white shirt. "I have clothes in my trunk. Though, it was supposed to be a surprise." He says, patting your leg. The surprise home vacation... "I'll be right back."

He walks out of the room and you see Sabrina next to the door as well. Bruce says something silently to her and she nods, coming in. "I'm glad to hear you're alright, (Y/N)." Her face is grim and you can see she's holding back tears. She goes to the sink, wetting a paper towel, and starts to wipe your face more. The nurses did their best, but they were more concerned about getting you the antidote. Her strokes on your face are gentle as you can see her cloudy eyes.

"You don't have to cry, Sabrina," You whisper, the cool towel feeling so good against your heated skin.

She sighs, biting her lip before looking towards the ground. "Ma'am. This is not normal. I was a bodyguard for a few different celebrities before you, but I didn't know you would be the most endangered..." She chuckles before touching your cheek. "I don't know what to think. If I had not been in the bathroom with you... Commissioner Gordon said I did a good job because Kara attacked you, but all I can think is how I have to be better at my job, spot the dangers before they occur..." She looks at the door. "I think Mr. Wayne is way more dangerous than he lets on," She lowers her voice as she turns her head back to you. "You don't have to tell me anything though. He probably has his own secrets. He does have his own secrets."

Your eyes lower, as you struggle. You forgot what lie you were going to tell her about Bruce with everything that's happened. If you told her, it would make sense, but what if she told others? "He is dangerous because he has the power to change things," You say, blinking hard before giggling. "We're going to get married and I love him like so much."

Sabrina blinks quickly, her expression softening. "He does seem like a good man for you, ma'am." You know her worry is on the back burner, but you can't handle it right now with your brain in shock, numb, and loopy with the medications. She sits in the chair as she waits for Bruce to return.

You decide to be positive, hoping the world would reward you with positivity. You think about your future, the wedding. If Bruce was in charge, it would probably be at the most Gothic cathedral in the world. For a second, you think about everything being all black, but your dress for this extravagant setting is huge and billowy, cinematic. Bruce would wear all black, but you don't know if he has any friends to be his groomsmen. It doesn't matter, however. You don't think you'd invite your friends at your safety in case they are also secret spies out to murder you in cold blood. It would be a small wedding even if the venue is large with media wanting to capture it. Maybe you would let all of them in. You imagine Clark Kent and the pretty woman he was with being front and center as you say your vows. Bruce would show some emotion, but would not cry, keeping himself stony. You would be trying to keep it together and your parents and siblings would be crying as well. You don't think anyone would object unless someone from Wayne Enterprises suspects bullshit, but in your fantasy, they can get lost. You and Bruce deserve happiness for once.

Bruce pats your hand and you startle awake. Damn, you didn't even notice that you fell asleep. You look over at the seat and see Sabrina isn't there. "I let her go home for the evening. I'm not leaving your side, (Y/N)." You smile sleepily as you sit up, wincing a little at the pain. He bought you more clothes and you wonder again when he has the time. The dress is a simple ribbed dress lounge dress in burnt orange. Perfect for the fall. It's stretchy as well, and the material is soft. Nothing to snag and harm your injury. Even though it is new, Bruce took the tags off already. He helps you sit up and looks away as you awkwardly take off the hospital robe and put on the dress. You think it's silly how he pretends to be chaste.

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