Right There

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You're relieved to leave the hospital, but Bruce's grimace shows it all. The Tower is not suitable for you to stay in. You don't want to go there either. He puts your small backpack in the truck before getting in the driver's seat. "I have other properties we can stay at for the time being." You're curious about their location. Anywhere but Gotham. He rests his hand on your thigh as he drives. His warmth comforts you. It's easier not to think and just be in the moment. You watch as the city fades behind you. It's twisted that you get what you want, getting out of Gotham even if it is for a little bit. You and Bruce. Your eyes take in his side profile, the intensity of his gaze. You didn't know that you'd be here. You don't regret it, however.

You try to stay awake as he continues driving. You wonder if he'll stay further out of Gotham, or is it just for your healing. It's almost dusk when you arrive at his Hamptons home. You aren't surprised he has one but surprised he brought you here. The Atlantic isn't too far, the beach behind the vast mansion.

"Did you buy this when you were 16?" You ask, trying to make him smile. He shakes his head. "This was in my inheritance." You choke on your spit, still shocked by his wealth at times. He smirks but grabs your hand as he leads you in.

"I had your clothes from the Tower moved here. We also got your stuff from your apartment too." He's nervous about that statement, but you nod. You wouldn't return to either of your previous homes anyway. He stops in the grand hallway of marble and golden stone.

"I'm not going to leave you during this. I promise." You look into his blue eyes, "What about Batman?"

He hesitates. "Batman is the reason you're here. I can't risk it..." He pauses, bringing your hand to his lips. "I'll be leaving it in good hands." You don't know what he means by that but don't want to push. You want to be selfish, have your boyfriend to yourself for one moment. He kisses your forehead, cheeks, and nose before dipping lower to kiss your waiting lips. There's nothing more to say, his hands holding you closer.

"I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too."

A cough interrupts your sweet moment. You see Alfred, looking dapper and refreshed with a young boy no more than eight. "We found a tenant." He looks well-fed, which doesn't surprise you if he's been squatting in this mansion. Bruce's eyebrow raises as he squats down to the child's level. "What's your name?" You stand behind him, unsure what he'd do with his kid.

"Richard." He nods, patting his shoulder. "Where are your parents?" He swallows hard, and you kneel beside Bruce. "It's okay. You can stay with us."

Bruce gives you a look, but you smile at Richard. "Can you give me a tour?" You ask, offering your hand. The boy stares at you with amusement and eyes Bruce. Alfred gives you a curious look. Maybe it's because you need a new distraction out here or because he's just a kid, but you don't want them to turn him to the street. You doubt Bruce would do that as he stands up, resting his hand on your back.

"How about I give you the grand tour, including Alfred's famous ice cream sundaes?" Richard's eyes widen at the thought of sundaes, and he nods his head excitedly, taking your hand. Alfred gives you a sympathetic smile before bowing slightly. "Well, off I go to get those sundaes ready."

Your heart skips beats as you realize what you've volunteered. A child... Richard's hand is more petite in yours but thick. You wonder what he's done without his parents for however long, but don't show him pity. You give him a squeeze and a warm smile. "Come on, Bruce. Let's see the house."

It's even more inspiring to see Bruce also rise. Maybe he wants to be the father he couldn't fully experience, and your heart warms. Bruce kisses your cheek before leading you to another room as if reading your mind. It's terrifying but feels right, natural. You hope you don't mess this up however short your time may be. This is a bet you're willing to take and stand by. 

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