An Honest Mistake

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Morning comes too quickly. You cover your face with the soft duvet cover as the rays dance on the bed. You grab your phone, slipping it under the covers to check your notifications. There are two texts from Bruce. "Interesting finds. Tracking number: ..." "Sleep well. Cat to Bat ETA 30min." His texts get more cryptid when he doesn't want anyone to know what he means. You barely know what he means as you click the tracking number. Your clothes. The window is from 8:30-10:30 am. You're a bit relieved when you see it's almost 9. The second text is from 5 am, so you guess Selina might already be here. You check your other notifications to see more of your friends checking on you, news articles about the mysterious gas, and, surprisingly, a lack of new tagged pictures of you and Bruce. Maybe you're old news. Relief eases your shoulders as you sit up, finally accepting morning.

You hear women talking and laughing as you head down the hall. Kate makes pancakes, eggs, and bacon, while Selina has a glass of milk and a fruit bowl. You're surprised Kate doesn't have a cook to do it for her, but she seems at ease. "Oh, you're awake. I was afraid you'd miss my pancakes." Kate says, a bright smile lighting up her face. Selina turns to you, arching a perfect brow towards you. You give both a gracious smile as you take the barstool next to her. "Thank you." Kate looks at you, then Selina, her smile dimming a bit. "So, two women, one man. Or two men if you think of Batman as separate." You don't appreciate her joke as she cracks another egg for you.

"Thank you for saving me last night." You say instead to Selina. "It was nothing," she sips her milk, her eyes lowered. You try to think of what to say while listening to the sizzle of the breakfast Kate cooks, the smell wafting in the air. "How long did you know Batman was also Bruce Wayne?" Selina asks before chewing a grape. You grimace, looking towards Kate.

"Girl talk is so fun. Do you want orange juice?" Kate asks, grabbing a cup.

You nod, tapping your knuckles on the counter. "I put two and two together at the hospital bombing." You say quickly as Kate hands you a cup. "Wow." Selina scoffs. "He could have told me last year." You don't know the extent of their relationship and don't want to overstep. You shrug, sipping the juice, feeling the heat of your cheeks against the cold glass rim. "It's not like he was willingly going to tell me." You reply, your brows knitting. "I just thought it was weird he had to leave after dropping me off at the Tower." Kate nods, understanding. Selina nods, flicking her eyes to Kate. "What is it about you Waynes and secondary identities?" Kate laughs as she flips her pancake. "Well, I thought about going as Black Pantheress, but that's taken. I also thought about Cheetah and Lion Woman, but it was either taken or not a well-camouflaged cat. Bruce was already Batman and had his gear, so I became Batwoman." Selina smirks, shaking her head. "It wasn't really a question, but thanks."

Her attention returns to you. "You're just a regular girl with incredible circumstances then?" You nod, feeling humbled. You make a mental note to search yourself to see what people think your origin story is out of this mess. "Just a regular girl." Kate hands you a plate, shaking her head. "I do love that. You know the Waynes are very careful with their breeding and dating. Martha, Bruce's mom, was an Arkham. My father is an heir to an arms maker. It's all about making the Waynes more money."

You frown, thinking about your family's legacy. Of course, your mother is a therapist, and your father is a retired teacher. What would their impact be on the Waynes? You wonder if Bruce has thought of that as you flash a fake smile to Kate, thanking her for breakfast. "I can see past the bullshit. Don't worry, (Y/N). I doubt those in charge care that much about who he's dating. As much as he's the poster child, he is very much the black sheep." Your smile eases as you cut the pancake with your fork. You wish you had Kate with you earlier while navigating this new world.

"What about you?" Selina asks Kate, eating her mango slice. "I guess I could be considered a black sheep too, but they like me a little more because I at least try. Bruce is doing better this year, but whew." She stands back. "He likes throwing curveballs." You know there's more to the story, and you remember the Wayne Enterprises meeting, but don't bring it up in front of Selina. "Curveballs?" "He has a bigger plan for peace for Gotham that sometimes they don't like, but it's whatever. Bruce is The Heir, so they gotta do what he says within reason." Within reason. You smile to yourself at the phrase. "So much work for a family," Selina replies, raising her eyebrow. "It's a business more than family."

Selina relaxes back in her chair. "I guess I understand that. My mom was always working, and my dad..." She rolls her eyes, "He got what he deserved in the end, but it was all transactional." Pity grows in your heart, and you rest your hand on her shoulder. Her eyes are cold as she stares at your hand, but they are warm when she meets your face. "Don't pity me, baby. There's sadder shit in the world than me."

You take your hand back, heat coming to your face. Being called baby makes your insides turn, but not as much from Selina. You guess it's because she's a woman and not a man pretending to be your lover. Kate chuckles at your reaction, and you steel your face, trying to hide your thoughts as you continue eating. "So, Selina. You and Martinez?" Kate asks, wiggling her brows. "No, not happening. He's nice, but it's dangerous. Plus, he's a cop. I only went because it was a way to get back to Gotham with 'protection.'" You almost ask about the protection until you remember last night and the favor. "Is he protecting you from Penguin?" Kate asks as she sips her coffee. "Not yet. He doesn't know about it because I haven't had a chance to tell him. The poor guy thinks I'm ghosting him." She pulls out her phone, showing the texts. "I should reply, but honestly, I don't know."

"What's holding you back? I heard he helped Batman a lot."

"That's the part." Selina replies, turning her screen off. "He'll have questions on why I work with Batman, how long, la di da." "You should text him, though. He seems nice." You pipe up, your eyebrows raising with little concern. "Maybe," she makes a face. You doubt she will.

You finish your breakfast listening to Kate and Selina banter about their previous dating lives, Selina omitting Batman on your part. You're secretly grateful that you're not included that much as your mind wanders to tonight. How can you sneak into the Iceberg Lounge as yourself when the Penguin has eyes on you too? And then Selina called you baby. Your eyes dart to her while she talks, resting her chin on her hand as she explains her last great love, Ani. Her eyes are misty, and she looks away a lot. You feel bad as you remember seeing the girl's picture on the news and thinking of the news station as irresponsible.

"You good?" Selina asks, noticing your stare. You quickly look at your plate, nodding. "I was just listening." You explain, embarrassment heating your cheeks. "I'm sorry for your loss." Selina shakes her head, a small smile on her lips. "No need for all of that. She is in a better place. I'm trying to ensure there are no more Anika's in Gotham. She did not deserve that. No one does." Her face darkens as she turns back to Kate. "Which means tonight has to go perfectly. Batman told me he would be here this evening to go over the plan again, but honestly, I need you to get Oz talking. He loves to talk, especially to pretty women. I'm trying to figure out why he needs my father's money so bad and why he's after me." "He said it was because you owed him." You reply. "Yeah, but a year later? If he needed it, he would have come sooner. There's gotta be something more." You don't know why he would tell you or Kate anything, but keep your thoughts to yourself. She knows more than you.

Once you're finished up, the buzzer goes off. "Must be your clothes," Kate says as she goes to the intercom. "Package for Kate Kane?" You recognize the voice, and your heart skips beats, a smile forming on your lips. "Come on up, Bruce."

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