Better Distractions

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Yesterday feels like a dream when you wake up. Information overload. You look over to see Bruce's side still made up. You wonder what he does all night in times like this. You check your phone and see an email from Rachel. It's your training schedule but she put asterisks on the times. "I know you're very busy now that you are with Mr. Wayne, but please if you can stick to our schedule. Please update me if you need times changed." You frown, rubbing your forehead. You get so wrapped up in Bruce that you forget your responsibilities. You hate that as you see you missed your first one already.

Bruce still hasn't replied to your text, but you see the read at 3 am. No wonder he didn't text back. As if sensing you're awake, he sends a text. "Morning. It is rescheduled." You wish his texting is more personable as you slowly peel yourself from the bed. As you brush your teeth, you reply. "Good morning. When is your meeting?" You keep it formal like him but wonder if he would think that something is wrong like another human being in the 21st century.

He replies as you spit into the sink. "Going now. Will be home later. Extending this meeting to get more done." You wonder what he means by that. You reply, "okay!" You hesitate before pressing send. You want to say I love you, but would that be too much? Would Bruce even see it before his meeting? You add it anyway, not seeing the harm as you put your fancy electric toothbrush on the charger.

Your phone buzzes quickly, "I love you too *moon emoji*" You're surprised to see an emoji in a text from Bruce Wayne, but it makes your heart swoon. You leave the bathroom, sitting on the bed. You need to do better at not being so weak in the knees for this man.

Rachel didn't put you down for training today so you don't have anything you need to get ready for soon. You wonder what you will do with Bruce instead of ring shopping.

Breakfast is quiet as you just scroll through your phone. Lucy sits with you for a moment, but she doesn't say much for once. Returning to your room, you look for what to wear today, checking labels as you search since apparently, it is important. You decide to go with a dark academic look with a mini black pleated skirt and a white button-down and dog-toothed vest and dark opaque tights. You'll decide on shoes if you leave. It's enough for you right now as you figure out what to do with your free time.

You suppose for a moment that you could actually work, but as soon as you get the will to go to your office, your phone rings. You're surprised to see it's Kara. "Hello?"

"Hi (Y/N). Is this a good time?" Her voice sounds a bit frantic. "Yeah, I'm not doing anything." You stare at the tile, picking out little details with your eyes to focus on as she speaks.

"Do you think you can come to this luncheon with me? Chet was supposed to come, but he had to fly back home for an emergency." You wonder why she needs a date so badly, but since you're not doing anything and Bruce's ETA is up in the air, you say yes. "Sure. Do I have to bring anything or like dress a certain way?"

Kara laughs at your question. "No. I'm sure whatever you wear will be great. I've looked you up by the way. I didn't know you were so fashionable." You grimace as you look at your outfit. Would this be appropriate now? "I feel like I must be since I'm Bruce's girlfriend." You reply as she sighs.

"You're still your person, (Y/N). Don't forget that!" Her tone takes you off guard as you nod, "I know, Kara... Are you okay?"

She hesitates before replying. "My father is here at the conference. I can't do this alone and I can't let Chet meet him."

You lie back on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Kara's father is an odd man. You remember always wanting to avoid him and his weird stares. Your parents didn't trust him either but told you to be nice. When you gave him the benefit of the doubt since Kara is your friend, you pictured him as a misunderstood mad genius. He disappeared before Kara started high school as he got a residency overseas somewhere. You didn't ask as Kara was so excited to see him leave and changed her last name to her mother's maiden name when he didn't come back like he was supposed to. You remember never seeing Kara and her mother so excited about his departure and disappearance.

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