Always with you (NSFW)

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You search for the now seated Commissioner. It's not that hard, but there's been a shift. Everyone is tense. You squat down beside him, concern in your eyes. He eyes you with some suspicion but leans over so he can hear you. Oz is not essential for him, so you omit that information. "I believe we're under attack, sir." Gordon straightens in his chair, "What? What do you mean?" You quickly explain Scarecrow and the canisters in the kitchen. His mouth stays in a tight line. "Well, good thing we've got the majority of the force here."

He stands, and they all turn towards him. It's almost eerie. The dates and spouses are the only ones who are delayed. The cops already knew something was wrong. They've been dreading it all night. "There have not been any attacks, but we need to act swiftly and carefully before anything happens. It's another Gala situation." You see Bella wince and turn to her fiancé. You read her lips, "I can't believe this is happening again." You know the panic on her face.

"We need to get everyone, including other patrons, out of here ASAP! Martinez and Blue Team, go to the dining hall and let them know. Red team, upstairs. Green, stay with me and help get our family and friends out of here." They split quickly, jumping into action. Unsurprisingly, they've all brought their guns.

Kate finds you fast, "Well, Gotham sure knows how to throw a party." She leads you out the back. "Martinez was getting on my nerves." She says with a laugh. "'Selina hasn't come back yet. Where is Selina?'" She mocks, rolling her eyes. "That girl is not interested." "She saved me," You say as she leads you to her car. "Bruce wanted me to take his car."

She sighs, "Oh, of course, he did." She lowers her voice, "Off to be Batman and save the day?" She gives you a broad smile as if she was trying to get you off guard. "Yeah, I know. I just wanna go home." You reply, trying to keep your breathing even. She deflates slightly as she changes directions. "You're the first to know, to be honest," Kate says as she leads you to the parking garage. "Well, since he wants you to take his car, we have to hurry before getting stuck in traffic."

The crowd begins to come out as soon as you reach his car, quickly getting in. "Be safe. It was nice to meet you, little cousin." Kate says as she taps your trunk. You quickly adjust the seat for your height and liking before driving out. The roads aren't blocked off as you speed down the road to your relief. You catch yourself pushing fifteen over the maximum but don't want to stop. It's been a while since you drove. You drive past your old apartment, noticing your car still there. You wonder if Bruce ever intended to bring it to the new place or if he forgot. You let your mind wander as you continue to the Tower. You can't think of tonight. You've only seen that look in Scarecrow's eyes once before in Elliot's. The eyes of a killer. You would have been done for had it not been for Selina. Guilt floods your mind as you wish you would have been nicer to her. She didn't have to save you.

Being back in the Tower brings you chills. They're still renovating, but the debris from the attack has disappeared. It's also odd being here alone. It reminds you of your dream from forever ago, but at night time. Your room is blocked off by yellow tape, causing your heart to race. Bruce's room is also blocked off. Feeling a chill, you head back down to the Cave. Bruce still isn't there, and you try to ignore the cooler air and the bats that fly above. How did he become this? You wonder as your eyes wander to the weapons and tech strewn on various benches and desks. He has so many journals. You decide to open one. You hesitate, knowing you're crossing a line, but need something to take your mind off whatever they had planned for the party. You're grateful you saw the threat when you did.

"September 15th. I dropped off the dress for (Y/N). She looked gorgeous today even while tired. I tried not to stare. My detector suggests that her heart rate also accelerates when she's near me, but I am unsure if it's attraction or fear. I need to keep my guard up. There are rumblings of an attack tomorrow night. I am prepared for anything that may come out the way as far as that. There is a growing fear in my stomach that she will be a distraction whether she knows it or not. She wore a different perfume today. This one is more earthy with richer undertones. I found it online and had Lucy order it. Is this courting? Does she know I am courting her? Senseless questions never plagued me, but every thought has been (Y/N). This is a sick disease. After tomorrow, I will cease all contact."

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