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AN: same warnings as before w/ attempted r*pe and murder

Thomas Elliot is a cruel man. He picks you up by your hair. "I'm trying to help you, baby. Don't make this harder than it needs to be." You grip the gun and shoot. The sound reverberates in your ears. It's way louder than in the movies. He yells out, dropping you. You freeze; not sure if you hit him, but you need to go! You need to go!

You grab your things and try to escape. He cradles his arm, cursing. "You're so stupid!" He yells after you as you rush out to Alfred's room. His armory is still open, and you grab a knife and another pistol-looking gun before running out. You can't afford to check on Lucy, and it breaks your heart as she nurses her wounds. Elliot loudly follows behind, cursing everything about you as you rush down the stairs into the garden.

Jacques sees you as he comes out of his apartment, raising his eyebrow. He holds his gun, probably hearing the shot upstairs. You flash him a look as he hears Elliot burling down the stairs. You slip on your shoes and run into the garden. Maybe it's stupid to try to see if your runaway plan would work, but you can't give it up. Not with him on your trail. You hear Jacques yell at him about barging into the kitchen unannounced and telling him to leave.

You round the maze just like you always do and push your legs to go faster. You slip, but keep going until you see the lookout. There's no other way. You tell yourself to look forward, stay forward, keep moving your legs as you go down the stairs, and start to go down the emergency ladder. "(Y/N)!" Your stomach flips as you hear him. Maybe you'll escape. You hope your Bruce can find you once this is over.

You try the door for the gym. Locked. You see, there are people in there and bang on the glass. "Please! Please help me!" You're afraid to yell, afraid he'll hear you.

A tall man comes to the door, confused. "How'd you get on this side?" He blinks a moment, remembering you. "Oh! You're (Y/N)! Bruce Wayne's girlfriend." You give him a polite but frightened smile. "I'm sorry, I really can't talk!" You try to get passed him. He looks familiar, but you can't remember from where and he steps in front of you. "Where are you going off in a hurry?" Tears prick your eyes.

"Please... I really need to go." You notice everyone else is busy working out, ignoring you. He laughs, seeing you stare at the others.

"Oh? You want help?"

Your stomach feels slick as it clicks. "If I didn't make a deal with Elliot, I'd want to pick your brain." You feel hopeless. How did they infiltrate his Tower?

However, you can't give in remembering SING from a self-defense class you and your friend took almost two years ago. He steps closer, revealing his gas canister. You wonder if he will wear his gas mask for a split second but don't see him hiding anything else. You punch him in the chest, ignoring the pain from your fingers. He grunts, squeezing his weapon. You have to push through. You hold your breath as you step on his foot. He lets go of the gas, cursing and doubling over. Quickly, running out of breath, you jam the palm of your hand into his nose. He cries out, and others in the gym start to notice finally.

But you see at the entrance, Elliot. No, no, no! You don't finish, Crane falling to the ground, wailing and calling for your harm. He deserves it.

You go out the same door you come and quickly climb the ladder. You're so angry that you're going back, but you don't know what else to do. Elliot is hot on your tail no matter where you go. You check your alarm once you're up and running back into the house. It glows a soft yellow, and you hold it down. You're afraid it'll break as you run to the study. You pull at all the books, hoping one would trigger a door. Maybe it's stupid, but you can't give it up. Elliot's heavy footsteps follow suit, and you freeze. You'll have to fight him again. You look at the remote and press it again, hoping before continuing your search until you hear him approaching the door.

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