Enjoy the Silence

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You help Bruce with the rest of the clean-up, changing the sheets and covers. His mind is elsewhere as he grabs clean sheets and covers from the linen closet in the hallway.

Selina Kyle.

You want to look her up but focus on the task at hand. Bruce would disapprove if you looked into her. At least in his presence. He smiles at your handiwork, his arm around your waist engulfing you in his warmth.

"Now, today's agenda." He grabs his phone, checking the time. "There's still time to sleep if you want. Breakfast will be at 8 am for me, but whenever for you. I have a meeting with Wayne Enterprises afterward, and I'll tell them about plans for Arkham if they'll have me. After that..." He grimaces, looking up. "I am free until we have to get ready. They're having the party downtown at The Ocelot."

"I've never been." You reply. You've only heard about it. The Waynes own it, but you doubt Bruce has much say in their business models. "Well, you're in for a treat. I haven't been in almost ten years, but I doubt much has changed quality-wise." "What's kept you?" You ask, knowing the answer. "There are better things to do besides sit around my extended family and talk about money." He rolls his eyes, checking his phone. "Which is why I never like these meetings with the Enterprise. Though, they may have less to say today since the start of the Foundations and all the ways I can give back to Gotham and the world." He shrugs before looking you over. "I won't bore you with the details. Tonight will be different since it's for Gordon."

"Do you have the guest list?" His eyebrow raises, and he nods. "Of course I do." He goes to the dresser, pulling out a folded paper. "Printed it out. No one I'm apprehensive about, but you never know." He hands you the weathered paper with notes. His writing is messy, and you can barely read it. "What's the key?" You ask, pointing at the symbols. "Married or not. The mystery is if they will bring a date or not. Married couples will most likely bring their spouses, so I marked them with a star. People like us will bring their partners, marked with a dot. They can also go alone. There are single people too."

"Exclamation point?"

He chuckles, "Because they're wild cards. I don't know anyone who would want to bring a date to their colleague's promotion, but I don't know how this works. Last promotion was the late Commissioner, who was dirty. I was also a child." You nod, musing. "What if she's someone's date?"

"She?" He rests against the wall facing you.

"Selina. What if she's someone's date? Is there someone at the party that she is trying to target?"

His frown deepens. "I don't know. Gordon doesn't know about it unless a cop is working that was involved with the Penguin." He crosses the room, his hand out for the list. "I can't think of anyone. I cross-referenced. This is tighter than the Gala, but I'll keep this in mind (Y/N). An astute observation. Maybe you should consider being--"

"No." You say sweetly, standing to kiss his cheek. "I might nap..." He nods as he watches you go to bed. His face is unreadable as he sits on the edge.

"Do you want to talk about that day?" His question causes shivers up your spine. "I only bring it up because you said you had a nightmare. It'd be unhelpful if you tried to sleep only to have more restless dreams."

"I don't know what you want me to say. Sometimes I'm not sure who you are. I know you're my Bruce, but I get scared that he's infiltrated again. You can't find Scarecrow. Harvey is in the wind too. Being here is nice, and it's easy to just not think about it, but then I remember, and I freeze." The words spill out, bringing your knees up to your chest. "I thought about calling to set up therapy or something, but I don't know. It isn't real at the same time."

Bruce's hand rests on your foot. "Thank you for telling me. I am me (Y/N). I am Bruce Thomas Wayne, and every day I will do my best to prove to you I am not a horrible person like Thomas Elliot. I wish I could take away this pain," he sighs, gently squeezing your foot before continuing, "I do know where Harvey is, but it's not as important as Scarecrow... Elliot won't talk about his alliances, so I'm searching still now that I've helped Richard." He looks towards the windows. "I would suggest a therapist. That would help in more ways than you may realize." You bow your head. Your mother would say the same. "Do you have a therapist?" You ask softly, wondering what kind of therapist he could have.

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