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AN: the girls are fightingg. i wish there was an easier way to put in author's notes lmao but oh well. let me kno if it's feeling ooc or w/e lol as a mom i read the wiki for dick grayson like wtf lmao. also im not calling that baby that nickname lmao

You can't sleep. You have to know if you're right. You take your clothes haphazardly off, strewn around the room, before taking a shower. You're fuming. This is even worse than finding out Bruce is Batman. Why does he involve a minor? Your child that you're supposed to adopt?! What kind of psychopathic deviant involves children?! You don't know how you're keeping yourself from yelling as the hot water scalds your skin, the pain keeping you going, awake. With the towel wrapped around you, you sit on the bed, checking your phone for texts—none from Bruce. Finally, you call out of anger and not wanting to wait even longer.

He answers on the third ring. "Hello? Is everything okay?"

"Where are you?" You ask, keeping your voice as even as possible.

"I'm on my way back. Just dropped off Tony."

Anger shivers down your spine. "Oh, okay. I'm at home."

"Good. I'll be there soon." He states, adding quickly, "You should go to bed. No need to stay up on my account."

You grip the end of your towel. "Bruce, I know."

He's silent. You hear the slight ambiance from his car. "Know what?"

You scoff. "Just because Richard lost his parents doesn't mean he needs to be like you."

Bruce's breathing quickens, "You don't know what you're talking about." You know exactly what you're talking about.

"I saw you and Richard! You're the reason he can't sleep! He deserves a normal life!" You start crying, angrily wiping your tears. "You can't take that from him!" Bruce doesn't respond right away, making you angrier.

"It's ultimately up to him. I cannot talk to you about this." He hangs up. You almost throw your phone until you remember you would have to replace it.

What possesses him to believe what a child would want to do? Any chances of you two becoming his parents are dashed. Once your parents find out, it'd be over. They'd report Batman and Bruce would fight it and his whole alter ego down the drain. What did Bruce think when he let Richard do this? Did he realize the real trouble he'd be in by accepting him as his sidekick? You don't think he did, to be honest.

Anger keeps you up, even though your limp body keeps you in bed. You're too exhausted to get up and put on pajamas, still in the towel. You scroll irritated through your different social media apps, seeing barely any updates due to the time. You switch to some mobile game you downloaded a while ago to distract your mind.

Bruce barges into the room moments later, matching your anger. You hear Alfred on the steps behind him, but he shuts the door. The windows and paintings on the wall shake.

"How dare you?" You start, adrenaline surging in your veins. You toss your phone on the bed next to you before standing in front of him, your towel coming loose. You wrap it a little closer to your body, but you wouldn't notice if it fell. He's in his dark hoodie, armored pants, and boots.

"It's not what you think," Bruce says, his blue eyes burning into yours.

"What is it then? Because this is insane!" You spit back, tears coming to your eyes.

"Sit. Down." He says, using his size against you. You don't budge. Your breathing is heavy. You notice the quick rise and fall of his chest and a nice shiner on his jaw. You can only imagine the new cuts and bruises under his clothes and how that related to Richard. "I found Richard stalking Zucco when I was patrolling for Scarecrow. I was confused since I thought he was back here. I told him he needed to leave since he's a kid, but he didn't listen. So I told him I'd help him. That way, he'd stay alive. He's been fending for himself for five months. He knows how to take care of himself. He's scrappy and resourceful. I let him solve his parents' murder. I kept it under wraps from Gordon because I knew he would stop me. Just like you." The explanation hurts your heart. Of course, he would have wanted justice. You didn't know it had been that long.

"He appreciates your parents taking care of him, but I think I can speed up the process by taking him in as my ward instead of as our child. He can't stay there and be Robin."

"Robin?" You ask, your voice cracking. "That's the name he chose for himself."

You shake your head in disbelief, stepping back. "He's only a child." You say softly, wiping away the new tears that come.

"I know. I explained it to him. He knows the dangers that come with trying to be a vigilante."

How could he see Richard and think he should be training like him? Richard is a resilient kid, but something has to give. "You don't need to train him! He's a child! Not every orphan needs to be like you!" You say, trying to keep your voice low.

"You do not understand. I caught him out trying to solve his family's murder. I can't leave him defenseless."

"You don't have to make him like Batman either!" You retort, feeling nauseous. You can't imagine your child in danger.

"It's ultimately up to him. I am only trying to give him all the tools he needs to succeed in this world. If it weren't for Batman, Richard would be dead, and we wouldn't know what happened." You doubt it, but you sit on the bed and sob.

Bruce continues, "We have to continue with appearances. I know you're going to look for dresses with your mother tomorrow. You can ask him what he thinks most discreetly." You rub your head, forgetting all about your mom. It's 6 am. You need to be up and ready by 10.

"I don't think I'll be able to go." You say with a small cry. He softens, kneeling in front of you. "That's okay. You have plenty of dresses to choose from here." He brushes away the tears that fall down your cheeks. You're surprised by his gentle touches contrasting just minutes ago. He leans forward, his lips brushing against yours. He doesn't further it, resting his forehead against yours. "I apologize that it has escalated to this."

"I wish you would have told me."

He doesn't respond, rising. "Regardless, you need to sleep." He heads to the closet to grab clothes to change into. You don't know what to say, your mind still reeling. You send your mom a text asking her to come over later instead, lying and blaming your night out instead of your argument with Bruce. She doesn't respond, of course, due to the time. You put your phone back on the charger, getting under the covers. You wonder if Bruce will join you after his shower but fall asleep before returning.

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