Pictures of You

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Bruce carefully leads you down. Alfred helps Dory set the table, but he eyes him with suspicion. "You don't have to be so gentle." You protest as he helps you sit in your chair. Bruce sits beside you at the head of the table. Alfred and Dory stare intently at Bruce, waiting on the news. "I didn't know you drank on an empty stomach." He chastises, "Is dinner almost ready? Can you see if there's something she can eat?"

You narrow your eyes at him, annoyed. "Bring me a glass of red too." You add as Dory disappears into the kitchen.

"Ignore her," Bruce says quickly, frustrated. You've locked in a stare-off again. Today is a long-ass day. You drink socially, but not enough to be hammered. Today may be different. It keeps dragging. "What is wrong with you?" Bruce asks, raising his eyebrow.

Alfred clears his throat. "Master Wayne." He interjects, unsure how to react. "Apologies (Y/N)." Bruce scoffs, "She knows Alfred." Alfred relaxes only a bit. "Then leave her be tonight." You're surprised that Alfred is on your side. Bruce relaxes only a moment, letting out a deep exhale.

Jackie and Dory return with your nightly feast of baked chicken breast with tomato cream sauce, stuffed with prosciutto, fontina cheese, spinach, dusted with breadcrumbs. Your mouth waters at the sight of your plate, and you thank Jacques profusely. "You are too kind, Madam." He waves your compliment away and bows slightly at Bruce, noticing his brooding. You don't know what to say as you eat. You practically devour your meal, savoring every bite. Bruce watches you over his glass of water. You're slightly self-conscious but continue eating. He doesn't bring up your conversation in your room, cutting off a piece of chicken. "What did you do while I was out? Did you enjoy the new clothes?" You don't want to mention what you did now that he's answered your questions. "I checked on my friends, and I do like them. Thank you." You nod, grateful for his gifts. He returns the smile, looking elsewhere. Now that you know, he can be more vulnerable, seeing him nervous.

"Can I see your lair?" You ask suddenly.

"My what?!" He chokes on his water.

"You know," You gesture in the air. "Where you keep your Batman stuff."

His eyes narrow. "Why?" He's right to be suspicious, and you reel it back.

"I mean like I believe when you say you're Batman, but I want to see it. Anyone can buy a mask and armor."

His nostrils flare. "No."

You frown, trying to think of another way, but your mind floods with the kiss you shared with him as Batman. "Why did you kiss me back?" You ask, staring at the almost empty plate. He hesitates, holding his cup to his chest. "I was shocked. I was angry, but I kissed you back because I was mostly scared of losing you for good."

You're touched that he thinks so highly of you. Bruce hides it behind a scowl at his plate. "I was worried you would be mad. You as in Bruce." You giggle now. "I would have wanted Batman to cease if you told me that before you knew," Bruce confesses. "Keep up appearances." You remember Lucy mentioning women before you, and you arch your brow up. "Did you ever sleep with anyone as Batman?" He scoffs, putting his glass down. "What the hell? Who told you that?"

You shrug, giggling. "Would you sleep with me as Batman?" His eyes darken, and he doesn't answer, stabbing his chicken. "It's not a sex thing. I go out and try to save Gotham." His cheeks twinge pink as he tries to keep his cool.

"So you've thought about it?" You can imagine it too. He goes to save you from Scarecrow and calms you down with his kisses... His dick. You squeeze your legs together to alleviate the growing heat between your legs. "I have not." He says flatly. You still don't believe him and decide to tease him as Dory comes with your glass of wine. You wonder if she waited for you to eat something and wish it came earlier.

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