Lord Knows Best

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You stay silent on the elevator as you go to the third floor, just holding hands. Your hands sweat with each bell. When the doors open, Bruce leaves first to lead the way. It's a nice minimalist waiting area with a dark teal shell couch with white and silver chairs on the side. There's another couple there huddling close. You can tell they're nervous. Bruce strides over to the reception desk, still holding your hands. "We have an appointment for 9:30 am." "What's your name?" Bruce hesitates, looking at you. "Oh, my name is (Y/N)," You say quickly. You understand why he didn't give his name. The woman reads both of your names, looking up at Bruce and re-reading his name. "I'll let your agent know you are here, Mr. Wayne and Ms (L/N)." Bruce stiffens at the mention of his name, hoping no one overheard. The couple seems engrossed with each other as they check their paperwork.

Anxiety pangs in your chest. Did you need paperwork? Bruce didn't mention it. You sit on the couch furthest away from the couple, and Bruce keeps his face low, checking his phone. His hair falls, obscuring his face. You wonder if he uses it as a shield in situations like this. He checks his cameras, watching his security doing their jobs and packing your things. "Your clothes should be here tonight. I also had them pack your apartment, which should be there soon. I can arrange the Northern Wing to be your area if you want." The way he talks about these things makes you giggle. It's not every day you can have the Northern Wing of a mansion converted to be just yours.

"You don't have to do that," you say softly, touching his arm. "I want to be able to find my place once all this is over." He hides his frustration with a nod. The wait isn't that long as you're called back before the waiting couple. They give you a look until they recognize Bruce. The door closes before they can say anything.

Your agent's name is Carmen. She's a short woman with dark bobbed hair and darker makeup. She has a cheerful smile that contrasts it and a bright wedding band on her left hand that she shows whenever she talks. Her desk is her family: her husband, who is quite handsome, an older daughter who looks just like her, a son who looks like her husband, and twin little girls who they have adopted. They're adorable, and you can see she cares about the families she'll help create.

"Short introductions, I'm Carmen. I've been with the agency for 20 years. I've made countless homes and families, and everyone is so special to me. I treat all my clients with care, and I make sure my kids are loved." She smiles warmly at you and Bruce. However, it registers in her face that this isn't just someone with the same name, but The Bruce Wayne. His face has been in the news a lot lately. You saw it in a magazine in the lobby. "So, tell me, why are you looking towards adopting?" Your eyes quickly dart to Bruce, who stares back at you. "I..." You're at a loss for words. You thought you'd have your first child years down the line in family planning. Not now, only a week into a relationship with your highly publicized boss.

"There's an orphan living in my home, and I want to provide him with a better life legally," Bruce says evenly, his cards are still on his chest. You hesitate, wondering if he'd bring up the reason why, but her expression makes your shift. Her eyes widen, and she clears her throat. "He's living in your home?"

Bruce nods. "I don't know how long he's been there. We only made the drive up here for vacation. Imagine our surprise to find him living it up." Bruce chuckles, "Good thing I had it stocked with food in preparation for this vacation." You pray she takes his charm, not questioning it.

"Well, I see. Usually, people come here without a child in mind. Just knowing that they want one. So it'll be a little interesting." She focuses on you. "Do you want to raise a child right now?" You swallow hard. You thought about this in passing but never too much thought. There hasn't been any time for anything more. "I wouldn't object. He's a lovely child who wants nothing more than a loving family." You feel Bruce's eyes boring into you. He probably has those contacts in.

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