Black Balloons

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As expected, Wayne Foundations hires four new people. You hear their interviews from your office in the North Wing. They all sound so happy and chipper from Alfred's computer. He chose the room right below you because it's the most commonplace in the mansion. You taught him how to change his background in meetings since he was so worried, but he made it work. You wonder what they'll do, considering you were the base level, and there are barely any applications. Worry gnaws in your stomach sometimes. What if he's transitioning you out since you're connected to Bruce? He would have said something by now. Or at least you would hope.

Bruce stops by during your lunch. His eyes are dark from his Batman makeup. "Are you busy?" You shake your head, welcoming the distraction. He sits on your couch as you eat your sandwich. It's not like Jacques', but Chef Dunham does his best. "I found out why Richard's parents were murdered last night." He says, staring down at your floral rug. You choke on your bite. He pauses as you sip your water.

"The circus was threatened by a mafia boss and sabotaged his parents' show. He ran away because he was terrified. I've been tracking Tony Zucco. We're apprehending him tonight." You don't question the we since he mentioned Gordon was helping him. "That's good. You can tell Richard once it's over."

He blinks a few times at the mention of the child but nods slowly, "Yes, of course." He sighs, resting back against your pillows. "He'll be overjoyed."

You smile back. "Will you rest before you go?"

He makes a face, shaking his head. "I don't have the time. I'm only here to recharge some gadgets."

"Then you recharge too." You reply, keeping your smile. "You don't have to be Batman all the time."

He nods before motioning you over. You put your plate down, sitting next to him. He pulls you to his lap, already tenting. "I don't have that much time left." You say, your heart in your ears. "We can be quick then."

It's towards the end of the day, and you're wrapping up your last application research when Rachel pings you. "TEAM MEETING ASAP!" You grimace. You're in Bruce's dark shirt, hair back in a ponytail with no makeup. You hope that your post-sex glow has disappeared. You can only imagine Rachel's reaction. This is your first time talking to her since everything's happened.

Greg is already there, looking older in his camera as he looks at something else. Rachel is there too, her background somewhere tropical. She's got her glasses on, and her hair is down, but you can tell she's been working. She put on some mascara and lipstick since she knew she'd have this meeting. "Good, we're all here. I'm about to add our new people in here too, but I wanted to do a quick chat." You give a slight nod. "So we have so much to talk about. First, (Y/N). How are you? How was the gala? Your pictures were gorgeous."

You blush, flustered. "Oh, well. It was nice and fun. I'm sorry that it got weird afterward."

She waves away from your concern. "I had a great vacation, and Mr. Pennyworth was very nice and understanding in keeping me updated. I'm happier that you're still with us. Trust me when I say we were already aware of the dangers of this job. So many people care about our job, and Mr. Wayne has done his best to keep us all safe. I was getting bored sitting at home, but I'm glad we've been able to get back to work and change the world!" She smiles wide.

"Which brings us to our meeting: Alfred wants to expand Wayne Foundations, so we can do more which I think is just awesome. (Y/N) has been working like a busy bee with the applications, and Greg is doing his part by allocating the funds and reaching out to our acceptees. Our new people will just add to our work. Outside of non-profits within the city and surrounding, we will accept applications for 50 miles around Gotham, including Blüdhaven. This will greatly increase our applications and our productivity."

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