The Hardest Button to Button

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The small room has vintage merch and pictures on the wall and a neon sign that says "Home of the Knights." You sip idly, careful not to get a brain freeze as you walk over to the pictures for a closer look. You recognize Bruce's father in the first picture and Martha. Bruce isn't in it, but you peer closely and see a bump under her jersey. You catch yourself before you touch the frame, turning back to Chelsea.

"I couldn't talk to you with those women and their husbands around," She says finally. Her voice is lowered, not as high-pitched. You wonder if her soft woman look is an act as she slouches again. "I'm surprised Bruce decided to come out here when almost all the execs are here." She says as she looks at the pictures.

"I mean it's his company," You say as you look at the next picture of the first Knights team.

Chelsea snorts, "I guess so. His family's name and all..." You feel ambushed in a way as you focus on the front row's faces. "I think it's bold. My husband said they keep denying his requests to come and change everything. And now here he is." She stands close to you, peering over your shoulder, pointing at a picture of a kid with a star football player. "That's probably Bruce." You can see the resemblance, so happy and ready for whatever will come next.

You frown, touching the picture absentmindedly. "He looks so happy," You say more to yourself.

Chelsea opens her mouth but stops herself from saying anything. She steps back, running her fingers through her soft hair. "How long have you been married to Marshall?" You ask, pulling away from the picture.

She frowns which breaks her perfect face. She's meant to only smile and look absentmindedly away. "We've been married for three years..."

"Oh... I thought it would have been shorter since the ladies aren't interacting with you." You know it's a low blow but you pick up her comments about Bruce and the Enterprises. She crosses her arms. "I'm not their cup of tea sometimes. My husband tells me things they wish he didn't."

You smile, "Bruce tells me everything too." Her eyes meet yours, so sad. "So you must know their ultimatums for him? Why everyone might be on edge with him and you here?" You nod. "Do you want to be married? I mean, we're probably the same age, but Bruce is not an easy ride. You can tell me if it's not like that."

You blink at her and laugh. "I love Bruce. I think I could make the next steps with him. I don't feel pressured to be with him for the steps either. Do you with your husband?" You hate that you feel accusatory, but gathering information is what Bruce sent you for and Marshall probably did the same with his ostracized wife. "I don't feel any pressure with him either. We're so lucky aren't we?"

You nod, crossing your arms. You keep your poker face on, knowing she's taking information she can give to Marshall just as much as you're taking for Bruce. "It's a dangerous out here, (Y/N). Everyone is watching you whether you know it or not. Marshall isn't a celebrity and rarely has news involving his personal life now that we're married, but it won't be that way with you and Bruce. Everyone will be waiting for you both to fail." You nod, staring her down. Her voice is sincere. "I'm supposed to be interrogating you for Marshall, but those women in there... They're not your friends. No one here is. I don't want to lie to you because you already got a hard enough job not just with the Enterprise, but with The Waynes..." She looks almost terrified as she mentions them, quickly tucking a stray strand behind her ear as if they could hear her. "I've only like read about them in-depth a few times because they're the founders of Gotham and I wanted to know more about my new city, but it's always dangerous."

"I know it is, and I appreciate your concern, Chelsea. I've lived here my whole life." Your reply before you take a long sip of your drink as it starts to melt. A loud energetic voice interrupts your thoughts, making you choke a little on your slushie. "Welcome everyone to The Gotham City Stadium! Please welcome your home team, the Gotham Knights!" You hear the roar of people even in here. You and Chelsea share a look as you leave the room.

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