She's My Collar

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A/N: looking for a beta reader for the start of the end. if ur interested, comment or dm!

You have a random urge to run. Run where? You don't know. You change out of your button-down for a looser shirt suited for running. You've never really done it before, but you need a change of pace before it gets too dark. You have too much energy to expend. You head to the garden before you hear a disapproving cough. "I was going for a run," You say as you turn to see Dory.

"I can see that. Bruce is adamant about you not being alone outside of the house, and for a good reason."

You sigh, slipping on your shoes. "Even if it's a jog?"

She gives you a sympathetic smile. "I can stand out with you. I'm a bit too old for jogging, though."

You return the smile, trying to hide your annoyance. You're not a child.

It's a little chilly, but you start your jog at a slower pace. Dory watches from the porch, sitting and reading a book. You wonder if she said yes so she could have a break. You take in your surroundings. You wonder how they maintain this penthouse garden. They could have expanded his home. You imagine what it could be. The rooms are already spacious, and you think he has enough space, but imagine a two-story library. Maybe a pool. You raise your eyebrows at your thought. How is he a billionaire without a pool? You guess the Tower has one; there's no way it doesn't. You didn't pack a swimsuit. You imagine if you tell Bruce and how quickly he'll fulfill the request.

You round the corner, lost in thought. You're not a swimmer, but it's a change of pace if it exists. You go around the vast maze a few times until your last lap, feeling the burn in your legs. You stop at the patio, stretching. Dory puts down her book, a weary smile on her lips. "All done?" She asks.

"Not yet. Well, maybe." You shrug as you try to touch your toes. Barely touching them, your back cracks loudly. Dory hides her smile by closing her book. You've never felt so old. "Okay, I'm done." You say defeated. She gives you an understanding nod. Before you follow her in, you pause. "Does this place have a pool?" Dory nods. "Yes, but it's on the lower levels. Master Wayne can show you when he has the time." Indoor pool. You wonder if Bruce spends time down there when he isn't solving mysteries.

As expected, Dory can't hold water. After your shower, you see a new package on your bed. You wonder if they have your thoughts bugged or if they ordered these expensive bathing suits in case you asked. Everything in case you ask. The box contains colors, patterns, ruffles, and opacities. You pick up a sheer pink swimsuit and feel heat rush on your cheeks. Imagine Bruce seeing you in this? You doubt he'd let you wear it long. You pick out your favorites, the black ones, and put the rest away in the drawers. You don't know when you'll go for a swim, but want these out so you won't have to look for them later. You check your phone. It's almost 7. You wonder when Bruce will wake up. He meant it when he went to sleep. Then, as if hearing you think about him, he knocks. You jump, scrambling to hide the gifts.

"Come in!" You say, pushing the swimsuits under your pillow.

Bruce looks refreshed, his hair parted and framing his face. The circles under his eyes are lighter, and there's a playful smile on his lips. "Good evening, Master Wayne," You say with a slight curtsy. He chuckles, looking away to the floor. "I'm glad you could join the living."

He rubs his chin. "I've been up for about an hour. I heard you went jogging and let you get settled."

"Is my room bugged? I feel like if I have a thought or a suggestion, next thing I know, it's here." You ask, narrowing your eyes.

"Not bugged." Bruce raises his hand in defense. "Dory told Alfred, who told me, though I watched you from my room." You make a face. You wonder if he thinks about what he says before he says it. "Dory told me you have a pool." His smirk doesn't leave his face. "Yes, we do. I see you also got the package." He picks up your hidden bikini by the string you try to hide. Your face is too hot. You bet he can feel the warmth radiating from your cheeks. "Yeah. Thank you."

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