Not Allowed

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You do not attempt to go down to the Batcave now that you have access. Instead, you spend the rest of the weekend with Lucy and Jacques planning for the engagement party, barely seeing Bruce as Batman takes precedence. You wish you have the courage to go down there and join him, but you worry about the unknown. Dr. Strange's warning goes through your mind, telling Bruce to back off, yet here he goes...

Monday comes by, and Bruce's warm arms and kisses wake you up. It's surprising as your eyes are barely open. "It's time for you to wake up, Daffodil," He whispers. You moan in resistance, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. "Rachel will be waiting for you," He continues, taking your arms from his shoulders and pinning them down to the bed.

You mentally curse as your eyes finally decide to open. He's shirtless with new bumps and bruises on his chest. If your hands weren't pinned down, you would touch them and try to make him feel better. Bruce tenses, watching your face. "Don't worry about it. A little scuffle." Bruce says quickly. You can't wipe the concern from your face as he comes down, pressing his lips against yours, gently sucking on your bottom lip as he pulls away. He smiles, reading your face, your neediness apparent.

"You're going to be late," Bruce whispers, letting go of your hand, slowly going down to your neck. "You're going to make me late," You whine back as he gently massages your neck before letting you go. You exhale through your nose, cursing him again as you sit up.

He grabs a black button-down, covering his injuries. "Tell Rachel I said hello, and I'm sorry you couldn't stay." He smirks as you begrudgingly get out of bed. "Your contacts are by the sink. I don't know if she'll reveal anything you need, but in these instances, it's better to have them just in case." You grimace as you head to the bathroom. He stands in front of the door, resting his hands on your waist. "Maybe afterward, you can do some researching?" You flash a fake smile, "Of course, love..." You pat his hard chest as he leans down, kissing you gingerly.

He looks so annoyed for a moment as he looks down at you. "I'm excited to help Rachel. The Harvestfest is more meaningful, anyway." You say quickly to make him feel better. It's still shitty to you that that CEO decided to put on a Thanksgiving dinner, inviting all the elite around town, knowing the circumstances. The Foundation's inaugural event would give food to non-profits and needy people. While Lucy fusses about what you'll wear to the Enterprise dinner, you plan on a nice sweater and jeans for Harvestfest, nothing too fancy. You would be busy serving people and spreading goodness and holiday cheer. You wish for a moment that you would be able to participate more in the winter plans, knowing they allocated over two million in funds for gifts, housing, and necessities. You could help as a 'public' figure now, and you imagine yourself asking Chelsea and her husband in front of everyone to donate to the new orphanage or mental health institution Bruce was interested in building. It'd be embarrassing if they were to say no.

Bruce picks you up, resting you on the bed, snapping you out of your fantasies with hot kisses down the middle of your torso. You breathe hard through your nostrils as he pulls away, keeping his hands from your sensitive spots that now beg for him. "Bruce..." You whimper as he sits up, allowing his hand to rest on your chest and lower, his hips rolling against yours. "What's a few minutes?" Bruce says with a small smile, pushing your panties to the side.

 "What's a few minutes?" Bruce says with a small smile, pushing your panties to the side

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