If You Were There, Beware

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The air is tense, waiting for your decision. You're confident that Harvey can't hurt you. But Bruce won't allow it. You also don't want Harvey to think you think less of him because of an attack. That wouldn't be fair. You take steps towards his bed, and he looks out the window, hiding half of his face. He smirks when you stand next to Bruce. "I got to say. You're something to behold. I can see why Bruce keeps you hidden from the world since he brought you into this." His eyes flick over to you as he keeps his face still, hiding his burns.

"Maybe if I did the same for Elvira, I'd be staying a married man." He shifts his face to reveal his face, the extent of his burns. His hairline is pushed back, melted into his skin, eyelid melted above his eye, giving him a bulging look, his teeth exposed. His skin is raw and pink, tight at his cheekbone. You tear your eyes away from the injuries, not wanting to give him what he wants—your fear and disgust. You're not feeling those things. Your heart breaks. It's not your fault that this has happened, and you hope he can heal. He smiles, but it doesn't connect to his burned side. "See what can happen when you try to 'change' the world?" He mocks. "Thank you, Mr. Wayne, for your assistance. I hope you rot in hell. I'll be waiting there."

You clear your throat, trying to show Harvey your sympathy. You don't want him to come for you next. The door opens, and a handsome doctor comes in. "Mr. Dent, it's time for your medication and check." He pauses, seeing you and Bruce next to the bed. He fixes his glasses, eyes widening in recognition. "Ah, Bruce Wayne? I didn't think I'd ever see you again." The doctor says with a warm smile. You don't know if he's oblivious to the situation or starstruck by Bruce. Bruce finally tears his eyes away from Harvey, reading the doctor's face. "Thomas Elliot?" The doctor's face lights up, "You remember me?" Harvey grimaces. "Yes, I do. We were friends before..." "Can you hurry up with this reunion? Mr. Wayne was leaving." "Oh? Hopefully, you can stay a little bit once I finish." Bruce gives a brisk nod, but the severe look of his eyes and his lips' tightness makes your stomach twinge.

As you step into the hall, Bruce and Banner share a look. "We're leaving now." Banner nods, standing behind you this time as you follow Bruce. Something is off. You notice the nurses staring, but you don't know if you saw them before, if they're the same nurses. It could have been a shift change.

A tall man comes out of one of the rooms as you pass it to the elevator. "Bruce Wayne?" His voice is soft, almost a whisper. Bruce turns slightly, putting himself in between you and the strange man. "Wow in the flesh... I worked at Arkham in the heyday."

Bruce's jaw clenches, and he pushes you back. "Elevators now." He hisses.

"I learned so much about the brain and the mind. I wanted to see you when you were younger. The mind of an orphan. I... I hope you don't mind." You heed Bruce's words, and Banner follows you as Bruce backs up slowly. An ambush at the hospital? He reveals a remote and a small canister. "You got in the way of my biggest experiment. You thwarted it. But not today, not anymore." You press the button repeatedly, hands shaking. What the fuck is this??? You hear the hissing of the can, and the man covers his face with a mask. "Let's see what you fear." This hazmat mask manipulates his voice.

Bruce rushes back to you, his eyes bewildered. He takes off his jacket as the elevator opens. He pushes you all in and slams the elevator door close button. Your heart races, and you try not to scream. Bruce wraps his jacket around your nose and mouth. "Cover. Cover yourself. Keep it on." "What about you?" You say, looking at Banner, who also covers himself with a mask in his pocket. He rests his weight against you, shaking his head. "Bats."

You wrap your arms around him as you fall against the wall, his weight much heavier than you expect. He rubs his face against your neck and chest as the elevator descends. You're terrified it will stop, and you'll be stuck here. His breath against your skin calms you as he finally comes to, the doors opening. He stands slowly, rubbing his eyes. Banner holds his gun ready as you leave the elevator. You wonder how the gas got down here as you see people crying, others fighting, and screams. You quickly take off your jacket and try to cover Bruce's face, your hands trembling as you tie them tight. No one tries to attack you, more hysterical with each other.

As you reach the parking garage, you hear the sirens. Bruce rubs his head, resting against his car. "G-get this place locked down if you can, Banner. Harvey... Tommy. Escape." You aren't following, but Banner nods briskly, heading back into the fray. You watch for a moment before hurrying in. Bruce gets in the driver's seat wearily. Beads of sweat form on his head as he takes off your jacket. You wait for his lead, pulling free from his coat and holding it in your lap. He curses, hitting the wheel. "I have to take you back home." He says, starting the car. Unsurprisingly the police yell for him to get out of the vehicle. He puts a hand up.

Lieutenant Gordon notices who he is first. "Bruce Wayne?" He lets his window down. "Harvey is trying to escape. Fear Gas." He nods his head in your direction. "Need to get her out of here." Gordon understands, and motions for the police to move and let you through. You lie back against the seat, unsure what to do or think. You were too far for the gas, so you saw nothing but a tall, quiet man. Instead, Bruce saw something with bats. You don't ask him what it was exactly, not wanting to trigger him.

He speeds to the Tower, weaving through the little traffic. He doesn't say anything on the way. The radio mentions the city is on lockdown. You glance over at him. His eyes fix on the road. Your mind races as he goes through the back garage, in case anyone follows. He opens your door and helps you out.

"Go to your room. Don't answer the phone. Stay hidden. I'll find you when it's safe."

"Bruce. What is going on?" You ask as he hurries you up the stairs.

"Please, (Y/N)," he pleads. His hand rests on your cheek, brushing away a stray tear. "I promise I'll protect you." You come down to his step, wrapping your arms around his waist. His heart pounds so loudly in your ear. He holds you closer before pulling away. "Go." You go up the stairs as he closes and locks the door. You don't know what he's planning, what he will do. He's just a man—just Bruce. Alfred rushes to the door. "Oh! You're safe!" His hug is solid and tight.

He leads you back to the living room, where everyone who works here huddles. "We saw the news. I tried calling Bruce, but he didn't answer." Alfred explains, offering you tea as you sit by Lucy. "Bruce left." Everyone else gives affirming nods which confuse you. You're the only one shitting bricks. Why is it okay? Lucy rubs your arm. "We're so glad you're safe, (Y/N). We were so scared." Dory nods, chiming in. "Did you know that Bruce ordered you a whole new wardrobe, which arrived about two hours ago? Straight from archives and fashion weeks." Lucy winks, "I may have had a hand in that." Dory and her share a laugh, "You naughty wench."

You don't know how they can make jokes when Bruce isn't here. Who is that doctor? Who was that strange man with the gas? He never said his name. Jacques enters the room with sandwiches for everyone. You can't think of eating. Your stomach turns. "Am I missing something?" You as they take turns grabbing a sandwich. "Missing something?" Lucy asks, "What are you talking about?" Your jaw clenches.

"Bruce isn't here." Everyone stares at each other, and Alfred clears his throat. "He has important business to attend to." "What business?" You ask, blinking rapidly. He sucks his teeth, and everyone shifts uncomfortably. "I think he should be the one to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Your voice cracks, and you shake your head, "I don't know why everyone is being weird! Today has been super long and stressful, and I don't know what time it is even. I just want to know what is going on for fucking once since I've arrived!" You snap, tears streaming down your cheeks. You shrug Lucy's hand off your shoulder. Alfred frowns and squats in front of you. "We can tell you, but you have to promise to keep your head." Dory's eyes bore into his back, and it dawns on you.

When you researched Batman and Bruce Wayne, most people believed they were friends. You just don't know who the bodyguard is. His bodyguards are all present, even though Bruce is not. You blink. Only a few said they believe they are one the same, but people didn't entertain it much because Bruce was a hermit at the time of the threads. He still is. Alfred sees your mind working, and your heart sinks.

"He's Batman, isn't he?" You ask, feeling the tears fall to your lap.

He nods grimly. You rub your chest, the news hitting you like a brick. How did you not know? When you saw him last night, you remember his warmth, lips against yours, even how he talks! You shake your head. "How... How long? How did this happen?" Alfred stands shaking his head. "I think you should hear it from Bruce." The others avoid your eyes, and your jaw tightens. "I'd like to be alone." You rush up to your room.

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