Kinda Hate U, Kinda Love U

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You close his door softly, your heart in your stomach. How delicate your situation... You're happy your trauma from the day has stayed at bay. You don't know why but are grateful. Maybe everything all at once is overwhelming. You go down the hall to your new room. There's not that much to do at night anyway.

You push open the door, confused about if you closed it, until you see Bruce at a desk. No Batman tonight. "Oh, my bad. I thought this was our room." You admit sheepily. His eyes flick over to you in mild alert. "Are you okay?" He asks, moving his chair to see you better. You nod, flipping on the study light. He grimaces, narrowing his eyes. "Why are you sitting in the dark?"

It's a silly question knowing how 'nocturnal' he probably considers himself. "It wasn't dark when I came in here." He says quickly, rubbing his eyes. "Why are you up?"

You shrug. "I couldn't sleep any longer." He stops rubbing to give you a look. He doesn't believe you. "I put Richard to sleep in your old room... He told me about his parents." You wrap your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling cold. "They were murdered."

"Murdered?" Bruce asks, his eyebrows shooting up. "Yes. He ran away because he was scared... He doesn't know who, and-" you stop yourself, noticing the shift in body language.

"Please, Bruce. I don't know if finding their murderer will solve his problems... You should know this." You say, crossing your arms.

"You wouldn't understand," Bruce says quickly, his nostrils flared. "Your parents are a call away because no one forcefully took them away from you."

You suck in your top lip, wishing you kept it to yourself. "I'm sorry about your parents. Both of your parents. But Bruce," you step closer, your brows lowered. "It wasn't your fault. It wasn't Richard's fault either. I think... I think you should leave this be for now."

He frowns, his brows darkening his eyes. "I think you should do the same, (Y/N)."

The air in the room is tense. You suck in a deep breath. "Then we'll let it be." You can't think of something to say to smooth it over, feeling his wall. "Are you almost done?" You ask after a moment. "Yes," He replies, not meeting your eyes. You nod, relieved.

You don't want to find your room alone. Fear of being alone right now rings in your chest. "Will you be staying in, or does Gotham need you?" His eyes meet yours. Whatever anger that was there a moment ago dissipates. "I can stay in tonight. If you want me to." He always throws it back in your court. You try to keep your face neutral as you nod your head yes. "Yes, please."

He shuts off the computer and stands carefully. "How are you feeling?" He asks, reaching for your hand. "I don't know yet. I slept like a rock, and so far, I feel heavy. Weighed down." He puts his hand on your head, making you look up at him. "I'm here if you need me."

Bruce leads you to your room, just a few doors down. You flip on the light, the golden rustic chandelier giving the room a soft honey glow. You recline on the white-gold floral loveseat. It's easy to feel like someone else here. You're not (Y/N), but some actress playing the role of the girlfriend, the seductress. Bruce disappears into the closet before going to the large bathroom. He doesn't glance your way once.

You scoot up to get more comfortable as you hear him start the shower. Your eyes widen as it hits you. This room is a shared room between you and Bruce. You expected his room to be grander than this room. You know he told you earlier, but the idea of being with him all night. Restlessness takes over as you wander your room. You appreciate the wooden beams on the vaulted ceilings and the plush rug under your feet contrasting the desert taupe tiles that fill the space. The closet is another room similar to the one in Gotham except lighter with built-in cabinets and storage. Bruce's half is monochrome. All black and gray. Your side is slightly bare like usual, except for the pieces they did bring. They're darker colors but break up Bruce's monotony. You open your drawers to see the lingerie Bruce mentioned what feels like years ago already placed. It was probably easier to bring than packing everything else.

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