Mouthful of Diamonds

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Batman and Selina are already at the underpass. You wonder when he changed, but don't ask. He looks more grim than usual. You can blame it on the situation. He's apprehensive about what will happen with you in there. Oz has his eye on you as much as he does on Selina. Everything will be extremely calculated. Kate gets out of the fancy blue and orange car, smirking. "So what's the plan? We did a ride by and it looks pretty busy already." It's almost 9 pm. "Yeah, it's happy hour," Selina replies, crossing her arms. She has on her balaclava with two tiny ears on top.

"Put these in. I'll be able to hear you and you'll be able to hear me." Batman says as you take the new case while seeing your and Kate's point of view on the monitors. "Remember. We're trying to figure out why he's targetting Selina primarily, but I need to know if my hunch is true. If Scarecrow is working with Penguin." You both nod as Selina hands you a folded paper.

"A truce," She whispers. The deed. You put it in your clutch. You secretly hope you don't need to give it to him later. You put in the earpiece, hearing nothing. "It's not on so I don't blow your ears off." Batman continues as Kate wraps her arm around your waist as he scowls.

"If I sense anything is off, I will end the mission. If you sense anything is off, excuse yourself to the bathroom and we'll be there." You hope it goes without a hitch, seeing the seriousness on even Selina's face. "But we also won't forget to have fun. We're not going to a funeral." Kate replies, flashing a smile. Selina nods while Bruce remains solemn.

Kate sighs when you arrive back at her car. "I hope they don't think I'm not taking this seriously." You shake your head, politely smiling. "No, I just think they're nervous about what might happen in the club." Kate pulls her seatbelt on, nodding. "Of course, but we can't live in fear. Especially not us since we're the ones going in. Oz would see right past this. I mean you look stunning tonight. You should enjoy being dressed up and dancing. I know Bruce can hear me, but fuck." She starts the car. "Bruce, let your girlfriend live a little." You giggle, shaking your head. "I want to help."

"That's why you're a good girlfriend. You're a good sidekick." You make a face at the implication of being Batman's sidekick. She doesn't reply, driving around the highway loop around Gotham for fifteen minutes before taking the Shoreline exit again.

"I do let you have fun," Bruce says after a moment, his voice gruff. Both you and Kate wince. "Too loud!" Kate says frowning as she hits her breaks. "Sorry," he quickly turns himself lower. "Can you hear me?"

"Not as loud, but clear," You say, relaxing back in your chair, nerves finally spiking. "You can have fun tonight, but please do not put yourselves in danger." Selina laughs in the background. You hope they can get along enough for this mission.

Kate knocks on the club door, her sunglasses over her eyes. Her hand on your side is firm and you play up the girlfriend type, your index playing with the low necklace she wears. Kate chuckles as you wait, shaking her head.

"What?" You ask, hoping you weren't overstepping boundaries. "You're just cute is all. I missed you." Your brows flick up in recognition. She's acting. "Well I came back to Gotham as soon as I could when I heard about last night," You reply in a lower voice, feeling you can keep that up more than a high pitch. "I'm so glad you came back to comfort me. After the dancing, we should defin-"

The doors open and the Twins answer, crossing their arms. "Clubs a little full ladies." Kate scoffs, crossing her arms. You feel cold without her touch. "Full? But it doesn't look like much of a party from out here." She tilts her glasses lower, glaring at them. "You can try again in like an hour, but Boss said no more bodies."

"Do you know who I am?" She asks, her voice rising. You stare impressed, before coming back to your character. "Kate, it's not a big deal. We can go to some other club. I'll be back in town for a week." "No, it's a big deal. This is like the hottest club in the city and I wanted to take my girlfriend out dancing. DJ NGC1960 is performing tonight right?" The Twins nod slowly and Kate pulls out her phone. "I DM'd him to let him know I'd be by. Will you explain to your talent that his special guest is being denied?" You are doing terribly at hiding your admiration for Kate as she radiates entitlement that you only hoped to radiate as well to get you in. They take her phone, reading the chat before giving it back. "You're Kate Kane?" "The Kate Kane. What you got a problem with me? I'll go live right now and stream this shit."

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