What You Won't Do For Love

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You wake your mother up with a gentle shake. She gives you a sleepy smile when she comes to. "Dinner is almost ready." She yawns, sitting up. "I'm sorry, I'm so tired. I made sure Richard slept well since he's been having issues." You frown, patting her shoulder. Richard flashes a warm smile. "I'm sorry, Mrs. (M/N). I promise I'll sleep better soon. You and Mr. (F/N) have been cool. It's just different." He lies easily, probably trained by Bruce.

"What about your sleep?" Bruce asks, raising his eyebrow. "It's different sleeping in a bed like the one at their place. Nothing wrong with it. I'm just not used to it. Sometimes I wonder if I should sleep on the floor."

"We can get a firmer mattress." Your mother says, worry in her voice. Your eyes meet Bruce's. You told him the lack of sleep affected Richard, but you didn't know your parents were actively trying to help out. He clears his throat. "Actually, I was trying to find a way where we could take over for you with the care without all the hoops of adoption." Your mother narrows her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Well, while you were finding the dress for (Y/N), I asked Richard how he felt about this whole situation. He doesn't want us to replace his parents, which is valid. I wouldn't have wanted Alfred, Dory, or Lucy replacing my parents. There is an option to keep him as my ward."

"Similar to what we're already doing?" Your mother asks, her voice laden with suspicion. "Yes, essentially." You wish you could make him stop talking as your mother's frown does not fade. "Why do you want to care for this child so badly, Mr. Wayne?" Her question throws him as he studies her face for a moment.

"His story touched me. It's similar to mine as we both lost our parents so young. I had Alfred, and even though he was not the ideal parent, I would not be who I am without him."

"But don't you think he deserves a loving home?"

"It would be loving here." It sounds foreign coming from his lips. "He deserves a loving home, and I believe I can provide it. He came here seeking help, and I will do my best to care for him." Your mother looks to you and then Bruce. "But what is it about Richard specifically?"

"I told you. It's the bond we have. There's nothing more. I'm sure you and (Y/N)'s father are doing a stellar job, but my... My heart is telling me this is the right thing for me. Just like when I met your daughter. It's love." You want to laugh, but it's the right words your mother needs to hear. She looks over to Richard. "He deserves a home where he'll be taken care of. I'm just worried that you two don't know how long you'll last, and I'm afraid my child will be stuck with a child."

"Richard will be my full responsibility, no matter what happens between (Y/N) and I."

Your mother shakes her head, getting to her feet. "You can definitely look into that, sir. But when I leave here tonight, I will take Richard too." Dory stands in the entrance, her hands prim and waiting. "Dinner is served."

You follow, sharing a glance with Bruce, knowing that the conversation with your mother is over. Chef Dunham is a round chef who reminds you of a mix of a bleached hair-tipped chef with flamed shirts and an animated plumber. He wears his chef hat proudly and sports a bushy mustache. He seems pinker than usual. It's his first time cooking for others rather than the set-in-stone meals for Bruce and random ones for you. He wipes his brow as Bruce sits at the head of the table, frowning. "I wasn't expecting the company to stay, but I always make extra. I made rotisserie chicken with French green beans, roasted tomatoes, wild rice pilaf, and grilled lemon-honey glaze." It's plated nicely, and you think you should be a little nicer to him as he walks back to the kitchen.

Your mom looks over at Bruce. "So fancy. Do you eat like this all the time?" He shakes his head. "Just for guests and (Y/N)." He doesn't say more, starting to eat. Richard swings his legs as he tries some of the chicken. You try to focus on your plate, afraid of what anyone could say.

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