Part 6

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When I got home, my brother was no where to be found. Well that could either be a good thing or a bad thing- but how this occasion appeared it seemed that it was more likely to be a bad one. Which is 99.8% true. Who knows what he could be up to at this point. So looking around the house wasn't that much of a task for me and searching every single inch of it wasn't hard to do. There were still no signs of Brad. Not even in his room. Sighing, I go back downstairs from his room to the kitchen to get something to snack on in the refrigerator. Pulling open the door to the refrigerator, a note then falls to the ground, but is faced up so I could clearly read it.

'Went out. DO NOT LOOK FOR ME'                                                    -Bear xx.

Well that was nice of him to give me the heads up. I rolled my eyes and made my way up to my room to take a bath because I had a long day. But the only thing that has been going through my mind as I began to run my bath water for my bubble bath was the curiosity of who the tall dark shadowy guy was. Was he watching me? Well obviously. I mentally face palmed at the senseless question. But why? Is he after me? Maybe looking out for me? Did my parents send him to watch and shield me? I highly doubt it. Just the thought of this ominous guy just jumbled even more queries into my thoughts. Great. I stopped the running water that now contained scented,puffy, white, foamy bubbles and hopped in. Afterwards I grabbed my towel, dried off and changed into my blue rubber duckie pajama shorts with a white tank top to match it and checked my phone for any notifications.

'No new notifications' was brightly displayed on my Iphones screen before I locked it and set it back onto the charger.                                            That was pretty odd because I would usually get them daily but from different people, pertaining to projects, homework, and mostly hi's from friends. Something wasn't right. Okay maybe I was just a little paranoid. Even though it seems like I'm over reacting, I have a good reason to be. It was now night time. Brad is still gone. No new notifications whatsoever. Home alone. Big house. Shadow guy. Oh come on, as if he actually knows where you live. Right. I then pulled out my phone to call Lynn, the twins and I got sent to voice mail. Probably busy. afterwards I called Bear but all it did was ring. I shrugged it off, deciding to watch tv until I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was to a loud clashing noise from downstairs. I then shot up and out of my bed to grab my mace spray and directed downstairs to find out where it came from.

I'm downstairs now and all I hear is silence. I peered around the corners to see nothing- not even signs of a break in or glass. I sighed in relief until I heard the crunching noises from broken glass on the floor. I immediately panicked when I realized the noise was coming from the kitchen. I backed up against the wall feeling my chest breathe in and out deeply. Finally I jumped around the corner with the spray and sprayed my victim in the face to earn me a hurtling scream along with a 'fuck' thrown into it. Wait- that means. Oh shit.

"Fuck! Goddammit Pooka!" Brad screams in pain as he covers his face and rocks on the ground. Shit. I've really fucked up this time...

"Don't just stand there like a dumb ass! Fucking help me!" he booms again, holding onto his eyes. I then broke out of my trans and helped him up as he continued to yell many profanities to me.

"Oh my god. Bear I'm so sorry! I thought someone broke in!" I explained as I ran to get a towel with cool water on it for his eyes. Coming back he's seated on a stool balling his eyes out and rocking slowly to ease the pain but failing terribly.

"Here Bear. Let me see." He then shakes his head at me.

"Bradley William Simpson. Open your goddamn eyes!" I commanded and he squints them open just to close them back up.

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