Part 9

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"You okay?" I asked Brad, who just stared out of the car window with his hand on his chin with out a word said ever since he got inside. We were currently in the school parking lot but at 6:46 a.m because I wanted to do hours for my community service in the theater arts room earlier and turn in some test I did at home.

"Yes I'm fine. Now can you stop asking me the same question over and over again? It would be gladly appreciated." He deadpanned, getting out of the car and slinging his bag over his shoulders. I felt terrible but I was too concerned about him. He hasn't spoken since he told me our parents were coming before that storm hit us.

I shook my head and grabbed my things, locking the door and getting out of the car, locking it with a simple click of a button. Brad was still walking but looking down- he was clearly upset. I jogged up to him and stayed by his side. It was just silence. He wouldn't talk and he wouldn't even look up.

Just as we were about to cross the street- a car comes across, speeding with loud music blaring throughout the windows and Brad wasn't paying attention. I screamed.

"Brad!" I looked down to see his body on the ground.

"Brad are you okay!? What the hell were you thinking!? You could've been in the fucking hospital- if not worse!" I yelled, while tears streamed down my face.

Before he almost got hit- I pushed him onto the ground with my body and he looked puzzled and taken aback from what almost happened to him.

"(y/n)- I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention- I didn't mean-" He murmurs trying to calm me.

"No Brad. You weren't thinking at all! And the thought of you almost getting hurt? I just-I can't do this right now." I said before walking away from him and crossing the street.


I was now alone in the theatre room, finishing painting the canvases and putting them away to dry. I looked into the corner to see no shadow guy so far- it is before school hours so I wouldn't really expect him there. I sighed, placing my items away and cleaning up my face so I could still have time to turn in my home tests.


On my way there I heard a strange noise coming from the boys restroom, causing me to automatically halt my actions. I can't go in there..but the noises that I heard sounded so familiar. Then it stopped. Just like that. Nothing was heard- silence. I frowned and continued to walk down to my classes to turn my test in. I became a little paranoid after that and decided to just take it easy and watch my surroundings just in case anything happens. I jumped from fright when I heard the sound of my phone go off. Nice. I answered seeing that it was only Lenny calling to check up on me.


"Hi, how are you holding up?"

"Um, good- a little paranoid but good, you?"

"I'm fine actually.."

"What are you hiding from me." I stated more than asked, handing my papers in to my teacher who gave me an appreciative smile.

"What?! I would never hide anything from- Fine!" She says breaking out of her cool facade.

"So are you going to tell me?" I asked expecting an answer.

"Oh yeah, I didn't know you were throwing a party at your place tonight? I thought your parents were coming over- from how many years?" She said nonchalantly.

"Wait, What party?" I frowned in confusion.

"Uh oh." She says.

"Tell me Lenny."

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