Part 16

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I sat up gasping and breathing fast. Okay in and out, in and out. I looked around me to see nothing but the same things in my room. I turned to my alarm clock to see 5:56 am on it in green numbers.

I sighed- thank god. It was just a dream.

Yeah a dream. I pulled the covers from my body and made my way downstairs. When I looked around from the staircase I saw everyone sprawled out on the living room floor. What the hell happened last night. I furrowed my brows in confusion before making my way back upstairs. I have two more hours before school starts...might as well take a shower to start my day- there's no way I'm going back to sleep after that dream..

*What really happened*

I quickly take off the shirt and panic. I run into the restroom with the shirt and throw it into the tub with Luke watching me from where he stood. I opened drawers and quickly tried to find a match or lighter. I eventually found matches along with some hairspray. I broke the top and the contents began to spill out into the tub, making sure it went directly onto the shirt and only the shirt. After that I set the match off and threw it onto the shirt watching it shrivel up and burn. Angry tears were streaming down my face as I paced the restroom frantically. Luke runs in and grabs me. I fall onto the floor with him holding me.

"What did he do to you." He demanded trying to get the answer I just shake my head furiously, refusing to tell him.

"Tell me." He ordered. I get out of his hold and walk out of the restroom with him following me.

"(y/n)!" He yelled trailing after me. I turned around when he grabbed me and I snapped.

"What Luke! What do you want!" I yelled making him glare at me.

"What did he do to you!" He yelled but not going loud enough for anyone else downstairs to hear.

"Luke just leave it!" I snapped, glaring at him.

"NO!" He boomed now towering over me.

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled grabbing at my hair.

"Why should I!" He said challenging me.

"Luke! Just stop!" I yelled.

"Will you just say the damn thing!" He said, accent getting thicker.

"NO LUKE!" I boomed glaring at him.

"FUCKING SAY IT!" He screamed as I was near a wall.

"YOU WANT TO KNOW SO BAD FINE!" I yelled giving up.

"Say it." He demanded.


"Now if you would just leave, it would be GLADLY appreciated." I snapped seeing him glare at me.

"No." He said.

"LUKE JUST LEAVE! I'M NOT FORCING YOU TO DO ANYTHING ANYMORE! SO JUST LEA-" He cut me off by slamming his fist into the wall while I found myself pressed into it. I was breathing heavy as he just glared at me with his blue ocean eyes getting darker.

He pushed his self from the wall and walked away without another word said. I stood there dumbfounded before I left myself, following after him to go downstairs. When I made it down everyone was quiet watching the two of us. Luke opens my front door, turns to look at them then to me, glaring at me. He shakes his head at me for not telling him and walks out slamming the door. I turned away to look at the others to see that they saw the whole thing.

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