Part 14

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(A/N- Hockey uniform is what he's wearing.)

It was now Wednesday and my parents were still on their little trip since the incident and I then decided to finally show to school since I missed Monday and Tuesday to have time to recover from the incident and during those few days, my friends still stood by my side- even after I told them everything that was going on they still helped me throughout it all, including Brad, after that we watched movies and went out for pizza and ice cream, we even took a quick visit to the park, that was needed.


Here I was, currently on the other side of the street as always, my friends stood by me along with Brad who were all watching the same thing that I watched- The jocks, his posse whatever they called it; them. Jack decided to take us to the school because he didn't go here and he took online classes unlike his twin brother Finn who wanted to stay with us instead at Richmond high. I sighed and looked at Jack who gave me a knowing look.

"You sure you don't want to stay home for another day?" He asked a little uneasy of me being here today already.

"Jack-" I sighed but was interrupted by Brad.

"No if you need another day- go ahead and take it, We'll understand (y/n)." He said giving me a sympathetic look.

"I don't know.." I trailed unsure myself if I even wanted to be here.

"Even if she did stay, she would have me because no friend of mine gets left behind." Lenny said with a genuine smile making me smile.

"Hey that rhymed!" Finn chirped in his little accent making us all laugh at his cheesiness.

"Okay..I guess I can stay.." I said unsure looking at the building.

"Later on if you change your mind, just call me and I'll pick you right up and we can have ice cream." Jack says with a smile. "And remember that I'm picking you up." He said, getting into my car.

I sighed looking back at the others as he pulled off.

"Ready?" Lenny asks softly.

"Yeah, lets go."

"Just don't look at them okay?" Brad says and I nod.

We cross the street and in the middle of our conversation Michael laughs really loud making us all turn to look at them. I ignored him and continued my way to the building without a word said.

"You're doing good so just keep going." Brad whispers to me making me calm down. But how was that possible when I could see is him hurting Luke that day. And the fact that I couldn't even put a stop to it crushed me.

"Come on (y/n) we're almost-" Lenny stopped when we approached the doors, I was looking down the whole time and was met with black vans. My eyes trailed up to see Calum in shades with his arms crossed, looking down at me. My lip nearly quivers at the sight of him and I nearly fall apart.

"Let's just go to the other door." Brad said. That door was right next to the door that Calum was blocking, we moved to it and saw someone else blocking it, then one person became another before all of the crew crowded us in their circle.

"What do you want Calum." Brad spat.

"Not you." One of the boys said answering him, Brad turns and glares at him.

"Fuck off Kian." He snapped making him fake scared by putting his hands up in surrender. Kian had a nose piercing and a brown quiff and he was the quiet one, is what I assumed until he opened his mouth.

"Let's just go elsewhere." Lenny said stepping at the open space but was blocked by a blonde haired Michael crossing his arms looking down at us. I kept my mouth shut.

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