Part 12

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"Hey Jack, it's been a while since I've last seen you, where's Finn?" My mom asked seeing that it was only him and I in here.

"I actually don't know the answer to that one, I bet he's somewhere around here with Lenny.." He trailed off.

"(y/n)." She then directed her attention towards me. I ignored her.

My dad then comes in the room, closing the door behind him.

"Why the hell is there a party going on in my house!" He yelled at me but I tuned him out.

"Do you hear me talking to you?" He said getting pissed. "And you." He seethed at Jack and he tenses below me. "What are you doing in bed with my daughter."

"Maybe we need to just give them some space." My mom said trying to calm my dad down.

"No! Not until someone explains to me what is going on and why she let Brad throw this party- knowing that we will be here! (y/n), where is your brother." He commanded with his arms crossed. No answer.

"Jack whats going on here?" My mother asked and he doesn't answer as well.

"Fine. I guess we will have to figure this out our selfs-"

"Bullshit." My dad says and she glares at him.

"There is no foul language in my house!" She snapped at him as his face goes red.

"Whatever, I'm leaving to get a drink with my boys, maybe by the time I get home it should look like one." He said before walking out of the door and slamming it."Wait, Henry." My mom says chasing after him, slamming the door shut after him.

I sighed and snuggled into Jack forgetting what just happened.

Right after that Lenny comes in with Finn with shock on their faces.

"Where were you two?" Finn asked as Lenny just stood there. I ignored him.

"In here." Jack simply says.

"Well Lenny and I were looking all over for you guys and we couldn't find you, Michael even-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa- You talked to Michael? Out of all people you talked to him-" Jack interrupted getting angry.

"He stopped us saying that (y/n) was occupied at the moment and wouldn't say another word." Finn explained.

"You were still talking to him-"

"Whatever Jack, We also caught him in Brads closet while Brad was talking to some chick, maybe another random.." He trailed.

"What was he doing in there?" Jack asked.

"We don't know." Lenny says.

"Yeah he wouldn't say anything, except to ask (y/n) because she knew the answer." Finn says looking at me expecting an answer.

"(y/n)." Lenny said and I ignore her.

"Guys this isn't the best time." Jack says giving Finn a look.

"Okay, we'll take care of the Brad problem I guess.." Finn trailed grabbing onto Lenny's arm.

"Bye Jack." She says.

"Bye." He turns back to me, holding me close to his body and running his hand up and down my arms in a soothing manor. I sighed and stayed like that the entire night.

"I'll be with you through all of this, like always." Jack said.

*Lenny's POV*

"Come on Finn, we need to find Brad and shut this whole party down.." I trailed, fixing my dress and looking at him.

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