Part 7

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Chapter 7

The rest of my day went by swiftly after first period with Lennie and Finn so now I was back in my last class of the day waiting for the bell to ring. Which was unfortunate because the class was just starting. I sighed in disappointment before taking out my notes to study for since I had a quiz tomorrow for my art and science class. In the middle of my studying, the door to the classroom opened wide revealing the same blonde guy from the other day but when when I saw him this time, he started to seem more familiar to me like before. He looked across the room for an empty seat to find none besides the one beside me. After that he made his way over to me, glancing down at me with the same emotionless face and the same exhausted look in his deep ocean blue eyes. When he made it to the seat he sat down and looked straight.

"Mr.Hemmings, nice to know that you're putting an effort into coming to my class." The teacher said before going back to her work.

I glanced back at him to see him already watching me. I jumped in surprise and quickly turned away back to my notes with my face turning red. Talk about embarrassing. Only fifteen minutes has passed since he arrived in here and I was already embarrassing myself by watching him but that didn't really bother me as much as I thought it would because every so often id look in the corner of my eye to see him either looking straight, tapping his pen against the desk or laying his head down- basically nothing and it bothered me. Why does this boy look so familiar? I turned to see his head laid down again so the only view I had of him was his blonde hair. I could see the light strands along with the dark strands of blonde that were all poked up in different directions. Where do I know you from? I asked myself as I continued to stare at him as he rested.

"Why do you keep staring at me." He stated more than asked while his head was still down. shit I was that obvious? I gawked at him as he then lifted his head up to look at me with an unfazed expression on his face.

"I-um, well you- er...I'm sorry. You just seem so familiar to me..." I honestly stated as I watched him thinking it would hit me- it didn't.

"Really? Oh yeah thats were that chick that spilt paint all over me." he says dryly.

"About that- I am so sorry and I really wasn't paying attention to where I was going. All I did was turn around the corner and you were there.." I trailed off

"Yeah and I turned the corner and you just so happen to be there too- except you had a full bucket of paint that splattered all over me." He deadpans.

"Hey, I told you I was sorry."

"Sure you were." he says sarcastically

"What is your problem?" I asked in a 'are you kidding me' tone

"You." he snaps

"Excuse me but I offered to help you and you wouldn't let me." I explained

"Oh you mean when you were practically kissing my ass thinking I'd just accept it?" he replies in a sarcastic tone again

"Listen here. I was not kissing up to your ass and it was called an apology and me offering help- that's something you do when you do something unintentionally so you try to fix the problem." I state in a matter of fact tone

"The only problem I'm having is you." he snapped again

"You didn't have to talk to me if I really bothered you that bad. You could've just kept your head down." I snapped

"Well maybe if you weren't watching me in the first place then we wouldn't even be talking to each other right now." he rudely says. but he was right. I was watching him.

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