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"Will class of 2016 please rise," I rise with my class and smile, looking to my parents and to Brad who sat with them.

"You did it!" The principle yells and we all scream, cheer and holler. He does his speech and we throw our caps and gowns up.

I am met after the ceremony with Lenny and Brad. "We did it!" She squeals, happy tears streaming down her cheeks. I gave her a half smile.

"Hey, what's wrong? We are no longer students in Richmond High!" She says again, excitement clear on her face.

"It's Luke again, right?" Brad asks and I nod.

"He's suppose to be here with us." You say, feeling empty.

"Hey, he's pulling through,"

"For how long? Brad. I don't know if I can see him the same and kno-"

"Hey, don't speak like that," He says, taking my hand to sit me somewhere.

After the incident Luke fell asleep that night and never woke back up. Graduation date changed and Finn was officially arrested. Michael woke up three weeks later but Luke stayed sleep. Calum was released from custody and Jack went back to England with his parents since the incident. He was beaten up over the fact that his own brother was the one behind it all. You were more upset because Luke has been unresponsive. You feared he'd stay that way.

"Luke should be here," You whispered, feeling your heart go heavy in heartache.

"I'm sorry (y/n), I knew how much he meant to you,"

"I never told him how much I loved him," A single tear shed from your eye, making you hurt more.

"Hey, let's go out. Let's get your mind off of things. We can go to the beach and afterwards, go to dads old cabin, not the one we went to but the better one that you love. Plus we all have something there for you and we can eat fajitas since it's your favorite," Brad, says, puppy dog brown eyes looking sincere. I see Rosalie and Brad does too and smiles at her.

"Okay," You agreed. You did need this.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you after," He says holding her hand. A wave bye to them and Lenny takes a seat next to me.

"Hey, he's going to be okay and as soon as you see those bright eyes open, you tell him, skip the hi's," She says making you laugh.

"You're the best Lenny,"

"That's what I'm here for, now let's go."


We spent the whole day doing what was promised. We spent endless hours at the beach until it was time to go to the lodge. It was about eight when we arrived and the sun was way past set and the weather was cool and the stars were out. You see the lodge and it was way better than the other one. It was gorgeous. You see your parents cars in the front and walk to the front door seeing everyone in having a good time.

"Congratulations!" They screamed making you laugh.

"Thanks guys," You say, giving your dad a hug before going to your mom and Brad and everyone else. Rosalie and Brad made up weeks ago and since then they've been closer than ever.

"One more thing," Your mom says before pulling out someone from the kitchen.

"JACK!" You and Lenny scream before tackling him in hugs. He chuckles, happy to see you both.

"Surprise!" He says and you get off of him so Lenny could have her boyfriend to herself. You smile, looking at how happy they looked together. Brad walks up to you and you smile.

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