Part 24

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Author's Note: If it make's you feel better I cried too writing the last part! Please don't hate me! Don't be a Debbie downer, be active! Leave comments, don't forget to vote and follow me for some more parts! Also read the A/N at the end, Bye! ☽

I didn't say a word after the story, none of us for the matter. Luke had tears streaming down his cheeks and I didn't know what to do to help him. I couldn't whatever I do wouldn't bring them back, it wouldn't take the pain away. I just had to be here for him and I was.

He finally cracked.

He swallowed the growing lump in his throat and continued. "After that night, I wasn't the same. I stopped going to practice. Stopped going to school. I had so many missed calls from his mom," He trailed looking out at the moon. "I never told her after the incident. But keeping that a secret? It was horrid. I remember going to her house. I remember telling her and seeing her smile fade. I remember Lauren and Harry's faces when they heard what I said. I remember them all breaking down, right in front of me. I tried to give his mom his necklace but she told me to keep it. She thanked me for telling her and I left. She offered me to stay but I couldn't take her offer. She didn't know about my mom because I didn't tell her. I finally told her this semester and she broke down and had me stay for some days. She took care of me and tried to bring me back to health because I wasn't eating. I wanted to stay but I couldn't it just didn't feel the same without Ashton there. She told me not to tell the other boys. I promised her. They found me and started asking questions. I told them he left and he wasn't coming back because something happened in Australia with him and some family down there. After that they dropped it. I told them that I quit the team and they were okay with it but Michael wasn't. I finally told him that my mom died. He understood and left me alone and Calum took the captains spot since he was co captain. After that I stopped coming to school altogether. I just couldn't do it. It was the funeral day and she decided they should have it on the same day. After it I just couldn't take it anymore. Ashton's mom found me and took me to the hospital when I tried overdosing. They kept me there until I was considered 'stable' and brought me home. My broken home, with just me. She stayed there and took care of me until she trusted me again. After that she put me back in school, they didn't hold me back because I took classes over the summer.." He says and he stopped crying.

He was so broken.

I stand up and he looks to me, "Come on," I say, stretching my hand out to him. He takes it and closes the balcony doors and locks it. We leave the room and go into mine. I close it behind us and lock it. We climb into bed and I move into the center with him doing the same. I move his head to my tummy and he wraps his arms over my waist and just lays there.

"Thanks for listening," He whispers, tiredness laced in his voice. He was lost.

"Thanks for opening up," He looks up to me, deep blue eyes coming closer to me.

"Can I tell you something?"


"Remember that girl that stopped me when I was trying to find them?" I nod.

"I blamed her. I blamed her for their deaths but she only wanted to help..I thought if I made it, just a few more seconds, they could've saved Ashton.."

"What would you have done if you saw her?" I ask, playing with blond strands on the side of his head.

"I would tell her thank you," I tilt my head confused.


"Because she cared." I smile and see him smiling back.

"(Y/n), That girl was you," My smile drops and I look at him, like really look at him and it hits me.

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