Part 26

26 1 2

Authors Note: Should I change the book cover? ☽



"Are you sure you want to talk about it?" You ask, looking to your boyfriend with concerned eyes.

"Yeah, I mean it's going to happen eventually.." You nod your head in agreement. "Why didn't you come home after school? I thought you quit activities?" He asks breaking the silence.

"I did, I passed out in class today because of Calum-"

"Wait Calum was at school today?" He ask, sitting up quickly.

"Yeah, so was Michael."

"That doesn't make any sense, I thought they had-"

"Tournament? No Calum claimed that, that was later on," I explain and he runs his hand through his messy blond hair.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I nod.

"Now I am because you are okay." I say truthfully with him giving me a smile.

"I need to tell you what happened," I nod and he puts my hand down.

*Flash back*

"So when will you be back?" I ask, looking to Lenny and Jack.

"It won't be long," Lenny says and the door shuts. I hear a noise from (Y/n)'s room and walk to her room. I open the door to see no one there or anything out of place. What the hell? I sigh, thinking that I'm just hearing things. I walk to the stairs and hear something from downstairs. I try to see from where I stood to see if there was anyone there. I feel hands on my back that shoves me downstairs. My heart pounded in my chest as they watched me. I groan when I feel my cut or gash re opened. I didn't even know how bad it was until I felt the blood oozing out of my side along with feeling a sting that soon turned into a sharp pain.

"AH!" I yell, screwing my eyes shut from the pain. I try to clench it but it only made it worse. I immediately take my phone out of my pocket and dial (Y/n)'s number. I hold back my screams and tell her where I am. Once the call ends, I don't see the person there anymore. Five minutes later I hear the door open and hear (Y/n)'s voice call out to me. She rushed to me and assisted me until the ambulance shows up.

*End of Flash back*

"I'm sorry that happened to you," I say holding his hand. He gives me a small smile. I lay my head on his chest and feel his head rest on mine. I don't remember falling asleep but it happened. I wake up, seeing the bright lights from the sun flash my eyes when I open them. I close them back. I open them so they can adjust. I look up seeing Luke already looking down at me from where he laid. I was still on his chest.

"Morning," He murmurs and I smile before placing a kiss to his soft lips.

"Morning," I say before stretching.

"Sleep well?" He ask and I nod.

"Wait, I'm suppose to be the one asking you the questions," He chuckles and I get off of him, feeling his arms wrap around my waist.

"Where are you going?" He asks and I ignore him to use the restroom. When I'm back, the nurse is in, checking on him. She sees me and smiles.

"Hello," She says, greeting me.

"Hi," I say, shyly.

"Good news," She says smiling, scribbling down notes on her notepad. "Mr. Hemmings might be released a day early," She says.

"Really?" I say, excitement clear in my voice.

"Mhmm, we just have to make sure his injuries are properly healing and he takes his painkillers," I smile and she leaves the room.

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