Part 31

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"We need an APB on Calum Thomas Hood," There's a pause, "I repeat we need an APB on Calum Thomas Hood,"


It's been three weeks, three long weeks. Calum was released a week ago from the hospital. Since then we haven't seen him. There's a search going on for Michael Clifford. Mrs. Harris says he's been missing for a while. He's officially a missing person. I'm sat downstairs alone. Brad is out in the back with his band and for Luke? He's in the hospital still. You take in a breath, deciding it would be best if you just went out in the back to watch him play. He's really into this whole band thing. I met each of the boys and they all were pretty cool guys. Tristan, Connor and James. I asked Brad two weeks ago after we made up what was the bands name. At that time he couldn't think of one. I was watching The Vampire Diaries reruns a week ago. I remember him coming in. He took a seat next to me and asked what was I watching while the boys were in the kitchen snacking before practice.

"The Vampire Diaries,"


After that he left and I was alone, hearing the music play outside.

Now I was in the same position, seated on the couch, listening. It wasn't long before I decided to get up to listen to them in the back. Now they had people watching them play. It wasn't a lot but it was enough. I stood in the far back. Brad sees me as he sings and points to me with a smile. They made some songs that were catchy and Brad could sing. He told me what he did for Rosalie- said he wrote it his self when he was drunk. I smile, thinking of the memory. The song he was singing was Wake Up. It was over now. The crowd cheered making him smile.

"Thank you, we are The Vamps," He says before looking at his friends. I cheered and clapped along with the others. My phone goes off and I see that it's my mom. I walk inside as he starts playing the chords to the next song which I assumed to be Somebody to you.

I close the door to hear her voice clearer.

"Hey mom,"

"Hi, how are you two doing?"

"We're fine, you?"

"I'm doing well. Your dad and I just landed in Europe. But I'll call you again whenever I get the chance to, my manager is calling, bye sweetie,"

"Bye," You end the call and hear a clashing noise coming from upstairs. You froze, looking to the back where Brad was playing. You go upstairs, not thinking to take anything with you. You walk into your room and scream when you see him.


He looks like he's been running, based on the sweat on his face. He was panting, trying to catch his breath.

"I need to tell you something," He says, lisp clear in his Aussie voice. The door to my room is busted open, seconds later, revealing two cops. A lady, immediately pushes me out of the way and tackles Calum to the ground. She cuffs his wrists and gets him up.

"Sir, we now have Calum," She says over the walkie. Brad, rushes in and sees Calum before he sees me on the floor. He helps me up and looks to Calum. Joe is in the room, looking to me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, but he-"

The lady interrupts me by reading Calum his wrights. I shut my mouth afterwards. "I need to tell her! I need to tell her!" He yells as he's being dragged out from my room.

I run my hands through my hair and look to everyone who was looking to me.

"You're okay, right?" Brad asks, touching my side.

I nod, "Yeah, he didn't touch me though," I say.

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