Part 4

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(A/N- Hello everyone I now give you part 4!!! Enjoy and if you feel like it, tell your friends about this book. And I am so so sorry about this super late update, I didn't have my laptop with me when I left for the holidays so to make it up I've decided to do an early update. xx)


Saying you were sound asleep to yourself was an understatement. In reality it was hell when it came to sleepovers with your girlfriends. Saying you were comfortable in the state that you were in was a lie. There you were, on the floor cramped up in an uncomfortable position. With sheets and blankets all tangled through your legs and your head crooked to the side from how you slept. But the best part was that you were also tangled up with your friends- in the middle of the night after crashing during the movie White Chicks. Nothing says I love you more than having someones foot in your face, just to turn your neck around to someones butt in your face from the other side. It was freezing due to the air conditioning in the second living room upstairs and you still had a crook in your neck. It was difficult- nearly impossible to move any part of you attached to your body because someone was laying on nearly every part of your body and trust me, it was very uncomfortable. The only thing you could see is the movie that was being displayed on the tv at the moment, which was Neighbors with the very sexy Zac Efron who was currently shirtless, wearing some denim blue jeans on his fit body. And that was basically how you spent your weekend with your buddies.


It was now Sunday and you were finally comfortable in your king sized bed, getting ready to fall asleep but before you did you thought it would be the best time to check on Bradley because he couldn't be trusted at times, especially at night where he'd sneak some random chick into his room 'thinking' that you're sound asleep when in reality you were too occupied in your own thoughts until you'd fall asleep. After a while of contemplating on what he was doing, you got out of the bed and made your way towards his room with your feet lightly shuffling against the soft carpet of your home. When you approached his room door you slowly creaked the door open just to swing it open quickly to find him in his bed snuggled up in the satin red silky blankets with his curls all tousled up under the soft red material. You sighed in content as you made your way over to his bed thinking how can someone as cute and 'innocent' like him- some may say to be so bad and mischievous at the same time. But he was your only brother and relative that stayed in this house. You sighed once again and leaned down to give Bear a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room, but was interrupted by his voice.

"Pooka?" he said in his sleepy voice.

"Yes?" I then turned around to find him sitting up, squinting his eyes.

"Um..Do you think we'll ever see them again?" I knew exactly who he was talking about. Our parents, we haven't seen them in a while. I sighed and looked up at him.

"Of course...Why?" Is all I could think of.

"Oh I was just curious." he said rubbing the back of his head before holding his head. Wait a minute.

"Are you drunk?!" I said staring at him. His eyes then went wide.

"I might be, but just a smidge I swear!" he says looking at me with his hands put up in surrender.

"Brad are you serious right now?" I asked shaking my head. It was too late at night for us to have this conversation right now, especially if I had to wake up in a few more hours for school.

"Hey! I only had a sip!" He countered back before pausing. "or atleast I think so?" he asked scratching the back of his head. But I couldn't really blame him. He was just saying what was on his mind at the moment. He's one of those drunks who tells how they feel and what's bothering them at the moment and the best way to know what he's hiding is if he's drunk. I sighed again because I understand why he's been drinking more. I wanted to cry and hold him but I knew that he wouldn't remember a thing when he wakes up. I grabbed the door handle and turned to him again.

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