Part 10

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"(y/n)! What are you still doing in here?! Come on!" It was Lenny who snapped me out of my trance and pulled me out of the restroom by my arm. What just happened. I was still in shock from what happened moments ago. It was like I couldn't stop thinking about it; Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

Everyone was now outside, soaked and drenched in water. The fire department was already here, working to fix the problem. Moments later, they came out of the building and alerted the principal, telling him that there was no fire or smoke signals found- meaning that someone had pulled on it, purposely. Who the hell would do that? My thoughts were then interrupted.

"(y/n)! (y/n)! (y/n)!" Lenny shook me back to reality- literally and I just stared at her, averting my eyes from the firefighters that were talking to the Vice principle and the principle.


"I've been calling you for the past five minutes!" She yelled making me jump.

"Sorry I didn't hear you." I said honestly.

"Are you serious?! I was right here the whole time!"

"I'm sorry Lenny, I spaced out." I apologetically said.

"Anyways, do you think they'll let us back into class- I mean it is the last class of the day and we still have about thirty-five minutes left until school is out." Lenny says, making her point clear.

"I hope no-"

"Okay, Ladies and gentlemen! We will not be finishing classes today or any after school activities today, due to the amount of water that is in the school at the moment!" Vice principal Anne says and the student body cheers,"The fire department will be handling our water issue and school will be delayed for a few hours tomorrow, so check the website for times, besides that have a wonderful afternoon and we'll see you all tomorrow and on time!" She concludes through the megaphone,"You are now dismissed!" with that said, everyone disperses their own way, some going to their cars, some calling parents.

"So we are still wet and my hair needs some major treatment. So I was thinking that we should head back to your place and fix this before the party starts." Lenny suggests pulling at a lock of her damp hair between her fingers. I nod my head in agreement.

"Okay my car or yours?" She asks.

"Mine.." I trailed, getting my keys from my bag and clicking the button to unlock my car.



"I just realized that I have no one to take my car home, so I'll meet you there." She says, walking away.

"Lenny!" I called out, she turns and walks back to me. I hand her the key to my house and get into my car, hearing the squishiness from my wet clothes along with the hot seats. I place my key into the ignition and turned it, starting the vehicle up. I toss my things to the back and put the car into drive, to my home.


Once I'm home, I get out of the garage, into the house to find it empty letting me know that no one else is here but me. I walk upstairs, into my room, closing the door behind me before locking it. I go to my drawers to pick out some shorts and a tank top to walk around the house in before the party. After that I walk into my restroom, preparing myself before I take my shower by getting out my essentials needed and starting the water while dimming the lights since it was too bright. I see the fog emitting from the shower and strip down from the sticky wet clothes before getting in. I sigh in relief once I feel the hot beads of water slap against my skin and take my towel to bathe myself. I close my eyes and open them when I hear a voice.

"Lift your arms up," I look up to see ocean blue eyes. Luke? I covered my body immediately and felt my eyes go wide.

"What are you doing in here?!" I whisper shouted.

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