Part 27

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"School starts tomorrow and I don't know what I'm going to wear," Lenny says. It's late at night and the boys are prepping for bed.

"Lenny, we'll figure it out in the morning, can you just go to bed already? Luke will be out any minute," I say and she sighs.

"Okay fine," She walks out of the room and as if it were on cue, Luke comes out of the shower. He comes up to me with a smile on his face. The towel hanging lowly on his wet body.

"How was the shower?" I ask as he pushes me onto the bed.

"Great, until I heard your friend asking what shade of green to wear to school tomorrow," I face palm my face and feel it heat up because of Lenny. He lets out a chuckle and walks to my closet to get dressed.

"I still don't see why you don't get dressed in the restroom like a normal person," I state.

"It's too hot in there," He states.

"You just got of the shower though, it's gonna be hot Luke," (A/N- Its a cow Luke hahahhaha)

He comes out, pulling the shirt over his head, I rush up to him and pull it back off. "What?" He asks with confusion. "You want me to keep it off?" He asks and I smile. He lets out a low chuckle and takes it off. Lenny comes in and walks right back out when she sees Luke taking his shirt off.

"I'll come back another time," I laugh and watch the door close. I walk over to it and lock it.

"Now let's get you in bed," I murmur placing a kiss to his chest. He smirks and walks over to the bed before getting in. I close the restroom door and get in bed with Luke. Luke turns the lights off and turns towards me.

"Are you feeling any better?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, you did have me in bed all yesterday," He says placing a kiss to my face.

"Well you did pass out the same night we brought you home so I had to keep you in bed Lucas," He shakes his head and chuckles.

"Babe, that's not my name," He says and I laugh.

"I'm sorry," I say, half serious.

"I'll accept if you give me a kiss," 

I smile and place my hands to his face. I pull his head towards mine and give him a kiss, entering my tongue in his mouth. I hear him moan and cup my butt. I sigh into the kiss and get on top of him. He squeezes my butt and I pull away once I'm off of him. He's panting and his body is hot.

"Do you accept?" I ask while he breathes heavily.

"Yeah," He pants and I laugh.

"Goodnight Luke,"

"Goodnight babe,"


"Where is my flannel!?" Brad yells waking me up.

"How would I know Brad!? I don't sleep in your room!" Lenny exclaimed.

"Don't lie!"

"That was one time!" I groan getting up, seeing Luke already awake.

"How long have you been up?" I ask with a yawn.

"Long enough to hear that," He says referring to Brad and Lenny's argument.

"Brad give me my heels!" I roll my eyes and groan.

"What time is it?"


I get out of the bed and swing my door open revealing the two.

"GUYS!" I yell over them.

"You put alcohol in my lingerie!" Lenny yells and Brad laughs.

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