Part 22

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Authors Note: Is double updating a thing? If so then this is definitely one of them, I'm going to make it a main priority to finish this book so I can release a real one. I mean this one is real it's just a huge imagine book, but you who have been commenting on it, seem to love it which makes me really happy. So don't be a Debby downer, be an active reader and share your thoughts to me in the commentssss! Enjoy pt 22! ☽

"(Y/N)," You blink and look in his direction. Luke was currently asleep due to the medication kicking in his system. "I don't understand.." You pause looking to Jack and Finn, "What happened?"

"He's hurting,"

"I know that-"

"No, (Y/n), look at this," Jack sighs heavily, walking over to Luke, he removes the blanket and lifts his shirt up slowly. I gasp when I see a huge gash on the side of his body. I didn't see that when he was walking around in his towel.

"What are you going to do about it?" I ask, staring at the mark.

"Well I was thinking about patching it up and keeping aloe gel for it when the next bandage needs to be on," He explains and I nod. Finn comes back with the first aid kit that he opens up and gets a big patch out to place on Luke's side, below his rib cage. Finn passes a cool rag to Jack that he uses to wipe the excess blood before putting the patch on. After it's on securely, he pulls his shirt back down and hands Finn the rag.

"What about Brad?" I asked, too afraid to know the answer.

"I don-" I was already out the door on my way to his room. When I get there I see Rosalie sound asleep next to him. He's awake watching me with a lazy smile as I make my way towards him. I take a chair and pull it next to him.


"Hey," He replied, smile still faint on his little face.

"How are you feeling?" I ask holding his hand.

"I've had better days," I laugh to myself, before shaking my head.


"What you said reminded me of Luke," His smile grows and he squeezes my hand.

"I'm happy for you. (Y/n), he's a really great guy. He was willing to get his ass beat for you." He says making me laugh, "Hey but you're happy though, right?" I grin and tousle his curls.


"About time!" He exasperated, "Now you can give me a break,"

I laugh again and playfully hit his arm, "Shut up,"

"So is he okay?" He asks, trying to sit up but I push him back down gently when I see him wince.

"He's knocked out from medication..the boys found a huge gash on the side of his body.." You trail, looking at Brads hand that was bandaged.


"I can't believe-" You stop to sigh looking at your brother in the state he's in now.

"Hey, it's fine, your brother can take a beating," He joked and you smile but it wasn't a full one.

"What are we going to do," You sigh, not knowing how to fix the situation.

"We'll figure it out," He reassured.

"I hope so,"


It's been four days since the incident and Brad and Luke seem to be improving well throughout the days. Right now we were playing a round of jackass, it's a classic card game that makes us laugh. Brad was it twice and Lenny was three times in a row, Finn and Jack once and me none. Rosalie would visit every so often to check up on Brad but she never could stay long because her grandma was in the hospital. It was me, Finn and Lennie who were out of the game. Brad looks at the cards displayed in Jacks hand as if he were concentrating on which card he should pick. After a minute or two of silent debating, he picks up the left card and turns it around with a victorious smile on his face.

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