Part 20

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His arms were crossed over his chest and his face was set as if he were focused on something. I on the other hand, remained in place. I was frozen to the spot not knowing what to do. I don't even know how he found me. But the nerves and the butterflies I had in my stomach told me otherwise. The faint sound of crickets are heard in the background and the light breeze from the spring air brushed against my bare arms as I watched him- wondering what his next move was. You should run, my subconscious says but I ignore it. It's becoming unbearable to not speak but something was holding me back. Something was telling me to not talk. I sigh, thinking that I should call for help instead so I secretly search myself, trying to find my phone but it wasn't on me. I felt my heart accelerate from fear. Calum sees me and gives me a small smile. He's searching his pockets and once I've laid eyes on what he had, has my blood running cold.

My phone.

I try not to give myself away but I already know that he's caught on to my act. I don't know how he has it. I take a step back when he pushed his self from my car with his foot.

"Looks like you're having some car problems," He says, trailing his fingers across the trunk of my silver Camaro. I take a breath and just stand there, listening. "You know, it's not safe out at night.." He trailed, looking at the ground with a smile before looking to me. "Especially when you're alone." He starts to walk to me and I stay there, knowing when to walk away. He was still far from me but close at the same time. Both of our cars in the background unlit in the middle of the night. No one around to help or watch if he were to ever try anything. I didn't even know he was in front of me until I snapped out of my daze. I felt my body tense when he brushed his fingers along my arm and take a step back. He catches my arm and takes a step forward.

"Now do you really want to do that right now?" He asks, no emotion on his face whatsoever. I break from his hold and give him a look.

"Now, what is a girl like you doing out here on a night like this?" He asks with his eyes narrowing down at me. I took that as a sign to run as fast as I can, far away from him. I ran until I came across a field of pine trees and hid from him. But in that moment I knew that Calum never comes alone when he does certain tasks and this was definitely one of those events. "Guys! Come on out." He says, looking around. I cover my mouth when I see half of the team emerge from the trees to talk to him. "Find her." Is all he says and my heart rate starts to accelerate once more. A tear shed from my face from fear as I tried to process what was going to happen next. Right when I turned around, there's a hand, covered on my mouth to muffle out my screams. I close my eyes and open them to see Luke.

"You need to make it out of here." Is all he says. I give him a questioning look, not sure of how he found me or how this is all happening. He guides me through the trees until he feels that I'm safe.

"How did you-"

"Shh, I hear someone coming." He leans against the bark and peeks around seeing no one there. When he sees no one there he gives me a confused look.

"What?" I ask, leaned against my tree.

"Nothing, I just could've sworn I heard someo-" He's cut off when someone pulls him into the darker parts of the woods and I scream.

"LUKE!" I ran after him but just as that happens, I trip over another thing and fall face first to the leafy floors. But it came to my realization that it wasn't a tree branch. It was a foot. I look up and see a blue haired Michael staring down at me with his arms crossed. He squats down to my level and smirks at me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He lifts me up and tugs me along his side with aggression. My hair is in my face and I'm already shaky from what just happened. "Look who I found." Michael says, pushing me with force so that I fall to the floor again. Calum walks up to me and gives Michael a nod before squatting down to meet me.

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