Part 19

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I look to Luke to see that his face is blank. I look to Lenny to see this concentrated look on her face. The tension was so thick in the atmosphere at the moment and I had no idea why. One minute we're all smiling then it changes. No one says a word as we all stare and watch Jassey. I feel Luke brush my hand with his, then Lenny takes a step forward and speaks.

"Why do you do this?" Lenny asks. I look to her to see this blank look on her face.

"What are you talking about?" Jassey says, irritably.

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about." She replied, glaring at her.

"Do I?" She looks around to everyone. "Do tell, since you always have a say on everything."

"Oh don't you start with that. At least I don't drain the mood out of everyone every time I step into a room." She snapped.

"Just get to the point Lindsey, you struggle with that more than anyone else in this room."

"Stop being a stuck up bitch! Ever since that guy broke up with you, you've been nothing but a negative piece of shit! No wonder why he dumped your ass, you deserved it." She spat and that is when Jassey came charging at her.

"At least I can get someone. All you do is talk about Jack but nothings happened yet now has it." That made Lenny snap. She charged at Jassey and sent a fist straight to her face. Everyone gasped watching the two slap each other. The twins were watching not knowing what to do, while Brad had his phone out recording with the same look on his face.

"You guys stop!" I scream but they ignore me. Jack and Finn came out of their shocked state and pulled them apart but it wasn't helping. So Luke finally steps in and pushes Jassey off of Lennie with a pissed look on his face.

"Who sent you." He states instead of asks. Jack takes this chance to take Lennie elsewhere to help her out.

She looks at him with the same intense look. "I don't know what you're talking about." She lied but no one else in the room caught it but him.

"Luke, what's going on here?" I ask, looking between the two. He shakes his head and smirks to the floor.

"Are you going to tell them or should I?" I furrow my brows in confusion as I watch, ready to see whatever that's going to happen next, unfold and by the looks of it, it wasn't going to end good.

"Shut up Hemmings, remember what happened to you last time when you opened your mouth?" She reminded him. I see his body tense and his jaw clench and unclench.

"Okay, can someone please tell me what's going on here?" I spoke up seeing the two stare each other down.

"If you don't then I will. I don't care anymore." He deadpanned seeing the rage of Jassey. We've seen her mad before but never this mad.

"I'm not surprised. All of those beatings didn't teach you a thing." She says and Luke takes a step forward. I place a arm in front of him and he looks down at me.

"How does she know about what they did to you?" I ask, furrowing my brows, confusion mixed with anger that she brought that up obvious on my features.

"Tell them now." He seethes and she looks at us all.


"Fine, I'll do it."

"Don't." She threatened.

"Jassey isn't really your friend." He started and looks to me. I open my mouth to speak but he continues, "I figured that out when I saw her hooking up with Michael Clifford and Calum Hood. The same guy who tried to run your brother over and the same one who's been in a on again off again with Michael." He says and the room falls silent.

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