Part 5

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(A/N- I'm going to try my best to update more frequently for the ones who actually enjoys the story so far and also I'm going to start back on the imagines like I've said before so until then I'll see you all in the next chapter. xx :) ) (p.s- character identified in this chapter, pretty obvious to who it is...kind of, okay bye :)



Arriving back to the school late was the very least of my worries. Having the feeling that something is crawling on you every three seconds on the other hand was one of my many worries. The only thing that's going through my mind right now is hurting Brad for what he did. That curly haired bastard. I thought to myself as I got out of my car before locking it just to look up to see the same red haired guy with his 'crew'. I've never noticed them in the same spot, but now that I have taken note of this, they've seem to notice me as well. I quickly averted my eyes from their side of the street and made my way across it, towards the main doors of the school. When I made it across their side of the street, I then looked over to them again but regretted it as soon as I did it.

"Well, well lookie here. She just keeps coming back!" the red haired guy yells to his crew, fully getting my attention and everyone else that showed up to school late but it was only a few of them.

"Listen here Mr. All Australian-" I began but was interrupted from the living shit himself.

"Aaahhh so she's noticed. Chicks always dig the accent, plus me." He says giving me a cocky smirk as he made his way over to me with his crew following behind him. Today he wore a grey shirt with a leather jacket over it with black skinny jeans and black boots to match. His eyes were a bright glossy green and his hair was red and rough like but he looked good with his hair like that. And his 'posse' wore the leather jackets that I've been seeing more frequently now that I've paid attention.

"Can you just go somewhere else, you know? away from me." I said glaring at him as he gave me another cocky smirk.

"Well I would but what would I really get from just letting a pretty little thing like you get away from all of this?" He says motioning to his self as he leaned his arm against the wall of the building, stood up with his legs crossed while staring at me in amusement.

"You must be getting a kick at this." I stated slightly annoyed as his crew was now blocking my path in each direction so I couldn't leave even if I tried.

"C'mon babe. We both know what you want here." He says getting closer to me, leaning in for a kiss but I quickly turned my face and placed my hand over his mouth instead.

"Trust me, there's nothing here that I would want." I said earning a few more 'oooohs' from his friends.

"Playing hard to get aren't we?" He says trying to lean into me again.

"Not really, you just seem to get turned on by any girl with eyes and a mouth." I said smirking as he was now the one glaring at me. I then used this opportunity to hit one of the guys in the part where it hurts the most and walked off inside of the building. Well that went well.



Since I showed up to the school two periods late, I ended up in my fourth period class instead of my third which just ended. So technically speaking I was three periods late but I was the only person in my fourth period so far because the dismissal bell just rang. I then decided to take out my reading journal to write down the notes that were displayed on the board for this class period. One by one people began to enter the classroom and Mr. Ives started his lesson as I continued to scribble down the notes for his class. Thats basically all I've ever done in his class since I was a straight A student and far ahead of my classes, but none of the females in this class never could pass or complete their assignments because they would spend all class period drooling over him or sending him 'comments' some of the comments makes him turn red while the other half of the girls would expose themselves out to him more, kind of disgusting but hey- he was a very attractive teacher that had another job as a model, so he was kind of a big deal at the school along with the other good looking male teachers.

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