Part 30

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"You sure you want to do this alone?" Brad asks. I nod and walk into school. "I'll talk to you later then," He says, walking away. I see Rosalie from across the street, Brad ignores her presence and walks with someone else. It was a brunette, they laughed together. I sigh looking at the group of jocks but no Calum or Michael. I sigh, remembering what Joe told me.

*Flash Back*

"If you don't feel safe, no matter what, call me and I'll send a cop your way,"

"Okay," You take your things and walk out of the door to your car where Brad waited for you. He wasn't really talking to you since you ignored his request in the hospital the other day. Yes he's been ignoring you for days. You've made it your goal to see Luke everyday, he's been improving but slowly. I know it's only been a few days but the process was going to take time is what the doctors said. Meaning, he had to stay in their care. You sigh, walking into the building. Since it was rainy out you had to use your umbrella. Throughout the week it's been pretty calm. No signs of any trouble which worried you the most. You haven't seen a shadow guy a Calum or a Michael in days. You should be happy but you worried non stop. This time out of this semester of the school year was like how it should've been.

*End of Flash back*


It all felt normal. Like all that has happened never existed you felt normal. You gather your things to leave to your sixth period. You shared that class with the devil himself. 


That is where you were going to do it. That is when you were going to do it. You were going to confront him.

But when the class bell rang to tell you that sixth period was over you realized he wasn't coming. He hasn't been in school in days. Well that's what some people were saying. You take a seat in your last class and unpack your things, starting on your work to take your focus off things. You were almost done you just had some papers to write and you were finished with it all. The classroom door opens, revealing someone you weren't expecting to see.


"You're Calum?" The teacher asks and he nods. He scans the class and sees that the only vacant seat was the one next to me. His lips were pressed into a thin tight line. His jaw was clenched and he looked like crap. He takes a seat next to me and doesn't say a word. You continue your work but your words came out in a scribble because of how your hand shook.

I can't do this.

You take your things and place them into your bag.

"It's really odd how they changed your schedule to this class, considering how close you are to graduation," She points out and he nods.

"You'd be surprised," He mumbles, looking to me the whole time.

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" She asks seeing Calum look like he was going to pass out any minute.

"I-" He cleared his throat, "I'm fin-" He then starts to cough, you didn't know what to do. He stops and starts panting, "I'm fine,"

"No you're not," She gets a pass out and hands it to me. My eyes nearly bulge out of my eyes. This lady is fucking crazy. "Guess like Luke, you have to take the new guy to the nurse too," Calum is watching me intently at what she said as if it were new information to him.

"Luke?" He asks, his arms were leaned up against the desk so air could get into his lungs.

"Yes, Luke. Do you know him?" She asks looking to him. He grimaces.

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