Part 17

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(A/N- This is the look that he does when he says "keep her." You'll understand later on.)



"Damn it, (y/n)!" I shook my head and looked to my side to see Jamie there glaring at me and Lenny on the other side giving me a questioning look.

"What?" I casually said, brushing it off.

"You spaced out on us!" Jamie said.

"Again!" Lenny finished.

"Did not." I said as Mr. Evans wrote down more notes on the chalkboard. I scribbled down the notes before turning back to the two that were still giving me 'bullshit' looks with their arms crossed.

"You did too and you're doing it again now! (y/n)!" Jamie said hitting my arm.

"Damn it Jamie!" I scolded rubbing my arm.

"What's keeping you so distracted lately?" Lenny asked while I wrote more notes down.

"Nothing, I've just been thinking lately.." I trailed as I wrote.


"Anything-everything. Guys it's not long before we graduate. So what's not to think about." I said looking at the two of them who nodded in agreement.

"I guess you're right." Jamie said turning to a new page in her notebook and writing down notes.

"So what are you gonna wear?" She asked. I gave her a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" Furrowing my eyebrows then looking at Lenny to see what it was but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you two being serious right now?" She deadpanned. We look at each other.

"Nope." We both say at the same time.

Jamie sighs."Well I guess I can tell you why.." She trailed before closing her book shut, putting it away in her bag to prepare for the next one.

"Are you gonna tell us?" Lenny laughed.

"Duh- Anyways. There's this HUGE party tonight and you have to go! Everyone will be there- AND it's suppose to be for the seniors." She explained with excitement.

"Jamie." I stated.


"You're starting to act like your si-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." She snapped, glaring and grabbing her bag, leaving the room as the sound of the bell went off. I looked at Lenny who was as dumbfounded as I was.

"Looks like we're going to a party." She said, getting up, going to her next class, making us part ways.


In the halls I was walking to my next class before my last and I saw Brad running through in my direction. I grabbed his shirt and laughed.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I said laughing at his rushed look.

"I can't be late to Mrs. Trevino's class anymore or else I'll be suspended!" He rushed out trying to run but I stop him again.

"Wait, since when did you ever care about being suspended?"

"I don't."

"Then why does it matter this time? And you have eight minutes."

"Mom and dad will care if they find out. Remember they come back tonight before leaving out again- world tour to Japan and Italy-" He tried to explain but I cut him off.

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